
Ouch how painful is this???

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Ok i heard that if i get surgery im going 2 have 2 get iv.. how bad is that on a scale 1-10??? I mean i hate needles and i dont want 2 get it!




  1. They don't hurt.  I'd put it at a 2

  2. Ask your anesthsologist to numb the area before hand.  If they do, he will put a tiny bit of lidocaine in, using a very tiny needle.  The kind diabetics use.  Then when he puts the IV in all you should feel is pressure.

    If he doesnt deaden it, the pain is maybe a 5.

  3. Its not bad at all, the people who put in the IVs do it all day every day, so it shouldn't hurt except a pinch.  Breath deep and don't look at it if you are afraid of needles.

  4. 3-4

  5. It depends on how much experience whoever puts in your IV has with needle insertion.

    Plus if your veins are smaller it may hurt more, as it could be more difficult to find a vein. I suggest drinking a lot of water, it tends to slightly widen your veins... it makes it easier to poke!

    But on a scale from 1 - 10 with a mediocre doctor / nurse I give it a 3.5

  6. Im always scared of them but theyre not bad at all. A 2.

  7. I've had IV's when I had both of my daughters and it's not that bad. I would say that its a 3 or 4 maybe. The initial stick is a little painful, but not terribly. After the initial stick it doesn't hurt unless you pull hard on it. They use medical tape to secure it to your arm so it doesn't move.

    I would not stress about it. I would concentrate more on your surgery and recovery.

    Good Luck!

  8. Its kinda painful probably 51/2 or 6. I dis-like needles also. IVs are worse then normal needles.

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