
Ouija board.?

by Guest62452  |  earlier

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Are you a believer?

Is it paranormal phenomena

or is there a scientific explanation?

Tell me your thoughts and experiences.




  1. all real kid. I saw one move with two people and I saw one move by itself. CRAZY!!!

  2. I would not touch one or allow one in my house.  They scare me.  I would never use one.

  3. No, there is an explanation.  It's not paranormal.  It's called the 'ideomotor' effect.  Basically, you're moving the planchette yourself, whether you realize it or not.  This is easy to test - blindfold someone, rotate the board to a random angle, and have them try again.  You'll just get nonsense out.

  4. You better be carful with a Ouija Board becouse you can bring demonic forces along with whomever or whatever your seeking. Some phenomenon can be explained. But some you cant. Weather you believe or not also plays apart with religion. Some religions believe and some dont. Weather you believe it up to you. I am a believer i actually caught a ghost in a picture of mine. I caught it in the chapel on graveyard property. Please if you have any questions dont hestitate to ask.

  5. Its a portal. Anyone can come through it. You may think your talking to grandma, but its probably not her. My roomate's sister used to play with it alot, but it would never work when my roomate was around. Her sister asked why this happened, and the Ouija board said it was because she had angels

  6. Yes, I believe the Ouija board exist.

    It is possible that the Ouija board could help with paranormal phenomena but if that phenomena is spirit contact or a device used to channel ESP is impossible to separate. For instance if it is ESP then one would need to see the letters to give a sensible answer (thus the often championed psuedoskeptics test of the blindfold is summarily dismissed). A much better test would be "sitter by proxy" where the the users at the board know nothing accept that the proxy wants to contact her grandmother.

    Then the board users try to get information and bring this information to the proxy to see if they get information they did not otherwise have access to like the grandmothers name, cause of death, etc. One could even have the proxy write (and seal in an envelope not to leave her side) the answers she is looking for the user to obtain.

    Again this does not exclude the ESP hypothesis or the spirit hypothesis. Also some early mediums claimed that spirits communicated through them via the living senses (voice, eyes, senses. etc.) so your senses in this case would be required. Of course covering the board suggest the belief that ghosts have X-ray vision and to the best of my knowledge no parapsychologist has ever suggested that when you die you become superman or supergirl.

    All that said there is a normal explanation for the movement of the planchette (the triangle piece) that is called the ideomotor effect where subconscious movement takes place. Michael Faraday (who unlike psuedoskeptics today actually investigated claims) found in his investigations of table tipping that force was always used. He discovered this via experiment with wax paper that clearly showed the impression of force.

    So, there is a scientific explanation for that aspect (and only that aspect) of the Ouija board.

  7. Parker Brothers did not invent the Ouija Board. It had already been around for awhile when it was bought by Parker Brothers in 1966 and turned into a commercial success as a board game. Its beginnings lie in the distant past when an earlier version (a tripod device) was used in the ancient ways of Babylon and Greece to contact departed spirits. The tripod became the pointer now used with the Board, which is printed with the alphabet, the numbers 1-9, a 0 (zero), and the words 'Goodbye', 'Yes', and 'No'. There are other boards like this with different names, but with the same history and purpose. The modern version of this game was developed by a man named Planchette, a spiritualist (someone who contacts the dead as part of their religion). The Board was further transformed around the turn of the century under the direction and ownership of two men, Elijah J. Bond and William Fuld. Fuld’s name can be seen on the Ouija Board today. The name Ouija is a combination of the French and German words for 'yes': Oui and Ja. According to Bond and Fuld, the Board suggested its own name. The primary purpose of the board is and always has been to contact disembodied spirits. Contacting the dead is called necromancy, and contacting spirits is spiritism, both strongly condemned by God (Deut. 18:9-12; Lev. 19:31, 20:6; I Sam 28, II Kings 21:6; Is. 8:19, 19:3-4). The Board’s translated name, 'yes, yes', is an ingenious and subtle way to invite spirit contact. Dead people cannot hang around after death; you cannot communicate with a dead person. The practices and techniques of contacting the dead and contacting spirits are used widely in the occult. Although the pointer is often moved intentionally or subconsciously by the players, you are putting yourself in a vulnerable position when using the Board. By 'playing' this 'game', you are showing an interest in spirit contact. If contact is made, it is demons (evil spirits, fallen angels), not the dead, who are responding. If Satan can disguise himself as "an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14), then it is not improbable that fallen angels can disguise themselves as the dead. The Ouija Board is not harmless just because it is marketed as a game. Satan, the master of deception and seduction, is good at twisting the truth into lies (Gen. 3:1-6; Jn. 8:44). Satan likes disguises and his lies are often disguised as games. The next time you are tempted to play the Ouija Board as a game, look beyond its disguise and see it for what it really is. Think about this: Just what or who are you trying to contact? God tells us to seek Him instead of the dead (Is. 8:19), and Christ "lives forever to plead with God" on behalf of those who believe Him (Heb. 7:25). Who wants the Ouija Board when you can know the One Who has "complete authority in heaven and on earth!" (Matt.28:18). If you are wondering about Christ, think on His words in John 5:23-24, "He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him. I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."

  8. Hmmm. Good question.

    My advice is that I would be very careful if you're considering opening this door. Whether, as some skeptics claim, it's just your mind manifesting strange activity or it's really happening, it's unsettling and life-changing nonetheless.

    I used one several times at supposedly haunted sites and cemetaries in my area and eventually threw it away after some strange phenomena occurred. I honestly can't believe that it is marketed as a toy.

    Anyway, my advice to anyone considering using one is be careful what you wish for. This door to the unknown (whether real or imagined) has been known to really freak some people out.

  9. "If there really is an afterlife, I'll bet the best way to contact it is through a plastic, mass-produced board game from Milton Bradley!" --Mad Magazine

    Don't you wonder how big these would be in other languages? Are they even made for other countries? A Chinese one would be huge with all the different symbols. Most or the world's population is non-English speaking. Are there a translating spirits?

  10. I wil tell you from my own experience and the other people I have known over the years that the ouija board is nothing to mess with ! your going to get alot of people that tell you it is nothing but a childs game and a game of the mind but in 16 years expreience in investigating the paranormal I have seen and dealt with the results of a ouija board after someone opened it and the entity was not a nice oneI am sure you have recieved answers that there is not one shred of evidence to prove the paranormal and to the people who wrote them I would say they are either blind or to stubborn to accept the thousands of documented case studies in the paranormal are they paranormal yes they can be can they be manipulated? sure they can my advice is to not do either you may end up with something you really were not expecting

  11. There are plenty of examples of how Ouija boards are not paranormal.  They operate vie the ideomotor effect.

    I used to believe in them as a kid.  I had some very frightening experiences.  However, I was fascinated with teh paranormal so I couldn't stop playing with the d**n thing.  However, because the board gave answers only I would know, I knew (later) I was the one subconsciously moving the planchette.

    Ouija boards are a lot of fun if they work.  One thing they are not is a portal to the "Other Side" or a gateway to h**l.  Claims such as these can tell you a lot about the person making them.

  12. Just DON'T !!!!

  13. I am a medium but I never heard of an Ouija board. I

    t might be a scam, there are so many paranormal scams these days

  14. i believe in it all the way it scares the c**p out of me. i have had too many crazy things happen while using one to not believe. i have been with some friends using one and no one was touching the courser and it was moving

  15. Naaa,  I am not into that

  16. Ouija boards can be a lot of fun.Just don't take them seriously.Get together with some friends and scare each other.Use blindfolds and turn the board from time to time to prevent cheating.It's only a silly game.Think about it."Let's go to KB Toys and get a gateway to h**l".Doesn't that sound pretty silly?Here's an example of how they work.

  17. It's all psychological....the mind can manifest anything you want....all you have to do believe.....

  18. i dont think it works, we tried it once nothin happened

  19. Finds it hard to believe that a good way to communicate to the deceased is through a sturdy piece of cardboard printed by Milton Bradley

  20. I ama believer...saw it move by itself before as well. hey aint cool to mess with.
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