
Ouiji board question?

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At school people have been talking about ouiji boards and have been trying to do it but im not sure wether it works or not, what are your opinions of ouiji boards? Is it just a game or is it real?




  1. It REALLY is just a game. Come on folks. Get a GRIP. Learn something about YOURSELF before you go looking into the gotcha grab bags of witches, goblins, and con artists.

  2. Well in the 6th grade one of my techers who is very religious said that after she did it she experienced some scarey freaky things, like demons or something, and she WASNT saying that just to scare us, she was like for real, but then i watch reality shows, and when they do it nothing happens

  3. stay away from them. not worth it.

  4. dont do it, bad things will happen to your I tried it and after I did creepy things happened:/

  5. its realll....dont try it at can take lives.....

  6. stay the **** away from them they are real and after I played it stuff in my house was getting thrown around by evil spirits

  7. It's real don't do it! AHH

  8. Wow..... Years ago I was a skeptic until I played in college. I haven't played since.......but I definitely believe in the game and that there are spiritual forces around us....i still get chills thinking about that night and I remember the spirit that visited and made me a believer. I ran into one of the girls that played w/ us and she too still remembers the power of the game. So real.

    My suggestions to you are only play with sincere people. Dishonest, foolish, immature people may manipulate the Ouiji. You will always wonder if your experience was the real thing if you play with people that you don't trust. Stay honest with your players and yourself. Remain open to the possibilities. Have fun. Remember it is a "game".

  9. It's not real.

  10. It's just something goofy to do at a sleepover- it doesn't really work.

  11. I don't know why game companies sell these things - they are not games.  Frankly, often someone in your group is not really playing along and is trying to spell something out.

    Information about the future comes from one of two sources; God or Satan.  God speaks to us in prophesies, often in dreams.  Anything else, comes from Satan, including Ouiji boards.

  12. Don't mess around with those things.  Unless you want the boogey man to pay you a visit, I suggest you do not attempt to use a Ouiji board.
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