
Ouji boards?

by Guest56579  |  earlier

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i really want to know how to use one... every time i try it doesnt work




  1. Dont try it again a kid got possesed by using one of those

  2. have you got numbers and letters in a complete circle

    make sure theres alot of room around you

    make sure you focus on what you want

    no laughing be serios

    ask nicely and if that doesnt work be rude

    make sure its late at night around 11:00pm

    and be carefull people have been possesed before coz it attracts alot of bad spiritsand stop if it goes too far

  3. That is because you have to have a couple of friends do it with you. One of you will get tired of sitting there with you hands on that thing and one of you will start spelling out answers. That's what I use to do when I played with my friends, just let them think it is the "spirits"

  4. Sorry to all the "true believers" out there, but there's absolutely no evidence to support that it "works".  It was originally marketed as a game for that very reason -- the only "magic" is in moving the planchette while denying the conscious effort to the self.

    Unsurprisingly, when it doesn't work, nobody has a good reason (but they're happy to make something up, like "you're not believing hard enough", etc).

    For the true believers: if you have a medical friend with access to the -caine family of anaesthetics, get your arm nice and numb, then see if it still "works".  :-)
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