
Our society?

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Does television have a big impact on the way we think and see things in life? What about our society? Whatelse besides television affects our thinking, and the way we approach life? Is our society corrupt? What do you guys think in your point of view?




  1. I can give one source of thinking...guess what? you're on it right now..and unfortunately with this invention comes ignorant people spewing their views/beliefs on what they do not know nor attempt to understand...and get away with it

  2. Not just television, but media (radio, magazines, books, films, internet), politicians, religion, even things like our diet, social upbringing, social & economic class, education, family situation, people around us, living arrangements, even decor ...

    EVERYTHING has an impact on the way we think.

    I don't know if society is corrupt, I think certain parts of it are, but one thing is for sure - we are living in a money-hungry world.

  3. Yes it is corrupt, look at the scandals.  Yes any source of info has a a large impact if accessed a lot.

  4. I believe what happens outside the womb can have an impact on your life after birth.  Everything outside the womb from the cradle to the grave impacts your life either physically or mentally.  All societies have their degrees of corruption, especially our society, and especially in this age.  Everything can impact your thinking or your doing.  Everything in our society is geared to the dollar.  TV is rampant with sexual matter because s*x sells.  Advertisements for any and every thing is geared for  morons.  Education is a joke except for a very very few.  Tele-evangelists are in your pocket every time they open their Scripturally ignorant and perverted mouths.

    Mega churches think bigger is holier.  Yes, our society as a whole is corrupt as h**l, which makes us equal to other societies and ready to accept the globalization of the world.  Our government does not help its own citizens after natural disasters as much as it does every other place in the world.  The Oil cartels of the mideast have their feet on our necks and we won't even explore or drill for our own oil from our own ground and offshore areas.  The price of fuel will be high no matter if it is found all over America  because oil is power and greed, and capitalism, at it's worse, is one of the greediest forms of government on the earth.  How about lobbyist in our chambers.  Money money money.  Take it from the people then proportion out the bread to the stupid b******s.  Supply morons with a few technical toys.  Play the shell game with our economy.  Which shell is the dollar under?  Whoops!, Not there!  Ah, There it is.  Oops, gone again.  Yes my friend, America is in deep doo doo, and you haven't seen anything yet!  Hope this helps answer your concerns.

  5. television tells us how to act. it tells us whats normal and what is abnormal. It also tells us how to dress, what to believe, and what to dismiss. television controls people's lives and it can be manipulated to do so. keep that in mind the next time you turn your television set on.

    peace out

  6. Media in general. Take people who developed eating disorders due to the media they are exposed to. This has great influence in their lives.

    I also think the people we are close to have an impact in the way we think. Hearing different opinions from different kinds of people can help us to make up our own minds about the subject in hand. Take religion as an example. Preachers are successful in the way that they can convert others into their religion and way of thinking. In this sense, that has an impact into the way we think and see things.

    I think television does have a great impact into he way we see things. I know for a fact that over 90% of people who own a television watch it daily and quite often, for hours on end. This means that many billions of people are exposed to what we see in television which can effect the way we see life.  Take the News for example.  This is viewed on the television by many and helps us to create opinions and views on the society that we live in.

    As for our society being corrupt, I feel that we have made society what it is today. I personally feel that there needs to be so much more done in order to help society regain absolute. I would say that society is becoming more and more corrupt, how much or how fast it is becoming, is all a matter of opinion.

    I do hope this has helped answer your question! =]

  7. The fact that two kids can show up to school, exact same outfit, but one has a little tag on it from some stupid store, and the other kid is thought of as "weird" because MTV said so. Is our society corrupt, I'm not downplaying fashion but the fact that I cant go though a drive through without some teen staring back at me through some giant "stunna shades" and thinks nothing if it. I'de have to say we probably need to rethink our work ethic.
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