
Our surname is Peacock.?

by  |  earlier

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And I want our son to be named Christopher; my wife is not keen, what do you think?




  1. It's a little common..but if you called him Topher, it would be cute.

  2. hi trust me you wont know what to call him till he is born Ive chose names for both my boys before birth and only stuck with one we have David 2 1/2 which we chose beforehand and Bryan 3 months we chose ryan but it just didn't suit so he was just know as baby for three days till we chose Bryan you will know as soon as u see him what to name him

  3. My son is

    Ryan Christopher

    My other son is

    Brandon Paul

    if a=having another son I would name him

    Christopher Paul

    My husband is


  4. i think its nice

  5. Its alright, i like christopher but not sure if it goes with your last name, what about William?

  6. it's cute

  7. I think it's nice! It sounds really good... Christopher Peacock.

    And that is such a lovely unusual surname by the way!

    However, don't push your wife. You should discuss it with her and if she really doesn't like it then choose something else. It's both of your decisions!

    Good luck with your baby boy


  8. Drew???  hahaha Drew Peacock.

  9. that's OK i would not pick it but that's just me.  maybe you could both look at different first names together and have Christopher as a middle name ?

    edit : radstar i did not think of that !!ooooooops !

  10. since your wife isnt keen i would keep looking. Besides there are some great names out there... try for examples  good luck

  11. It`s ok but you should choose a name that you both like and agree with..........

  12. Chris Peacock is just plain cruel ....pick something else or change your surname!!!!!!

  13. Crispy c**k!  (Chris Peacock) - I can see why she's not keen LOL!

    Ivor Chris Peacock?

  14. Enviteably people are going to sooner or later in his life call him Chris. Chris Peacock (or crispy-c**k) doesn't sound great. maybe thats a reason your wife is not keen? also, what about finding a name you both love?

  15. that is a lush last name i want it 2 be mine :)

  16. I like it.

  17. cute!

  18. Logan Micheal?

  19. Christopher is a nice name. However wouldn't it be nicer if you found a name that your wife would like too?

  20. haha

    the second i saw the title 'our surname is peacock' i came in here tempted to suggest Chris.

    nice one.

  21. Christopher is a nice name.

  22. Try and pick a name that you both like, then peace will decend on you.

  23. Its okay

  24. :) i like it

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