
Out of Body experience

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I just had the strangest thing at night.When I walked the dog I went 2 sleep and suddenly my body started going really numb and it kinda hurt ,I tried to scream but I couldn't move anything.I felt like my upper body was lifted and then my legs,I barely opened my eyes and I could see that I am below my body.I was really scared I started praying because I thought I was dying,and with much much force I puled myself in and then I could move.I don't know what to do,I am really freaked out and scared!!!Please Help!!!!




  1. You should seek medical advice as soon as possible.  What if such a thing happens while driving?/

  2.   Anna that was death that you experienced, not to scare you, but you need to find out why.  Maybe you had heart failure, and did'nt realize it.  I have crohnes disease, and have been hospitalizes almost my whole life.  I have endured 7 massive surguries in my time.  Im 38 now.  The reason I tell you this is simple.  I went under anithesia. I think the 3rd operation, I was in grave condition.  I remember this ,          I hurt, I wanted to give up, I was on the operation table looking down upon myself as if watching my life unfold.  I need to express.  I clinicly flatlined long enough for my mother to call grandma, and tell her I had passed.  I was posed with a question although not in words, do you wish to pass or return ? an erie thought, and we know the outcome, but I to felt a force that pulled me back, like falling into yourself.  Life has changed greatly for me now everything is OK now.  Someone is sending you a wake up call  !  

  3. If you have not already, I would think you need a total medical work up. It certainly can't hurt anything and then you would know if it was a bad dream or there is a for certain a medical condition. I would confide in my doctor if you can trust him/her. Good luck!
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