
Out of curiosity.?

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why do beans make you f**t? no wait i may not be able to use the word f**t on here... ok, scratch that... why do beans make you flatuate?




  1. Fibre.

  2. they some potent sh*t. i like to mash them up with a little bit of olive oil and some nacho cheese sauce, and then i pour it over freshly baked crispy corn tortillas. that way they wont make me vart. so good too.

  3. beans,beans, the magical fruit, the more u eat, the more u toot!!

    lol. (thats part of life, sorry)!

  4. I just think after a while your stomach get used to it, that you will stop producing so much gasses. Hispanics people eat a lot of bean so we are use it already.

  5. Dunno mate but cabbage does it for me.....sorry you did

  6. They are very high in fiber and protein, both gas causing itmes and I beleive they have another chemical compound in them that helps prompt the pootin'.

  7. beans beans a heavenly scent the more you eat the more you vent

  8. Before they are eaten, the raw bean seeds should be boiled for at least ten minutes to degrade a toxic compound - the lectin phytohaemagglutinin - found in the bean which would otherwise cause severe gastric upset. This compound is present in many varieties (and in some other species of bean), but is especially concentrated in red kidney beans and white kidney beans (Cannellini beans). Although in the case of dry beans the ten minutes required to degrade the toxin is much shorter than the hours required to fully cook the beans themselves, outbreaks of poisoning have been associated with the use of slow cookers whose low cooking temperatures may be unable to degrade the toxin. Sprouts of pulses high in haemaglutins should not be eaten. Kidney beans, especially, should not be sprouted

  9. mostpulses and beans do .. i think its the fibre

  10. It's the fibre. Most legumes (vegetables that grow in pods, have the same effect. With kidney beans you can reduce this by rinsing them in cold water before adding them to the dish. Obviously you can't do this with baked beans.

    I once asked visitors from the UK if they could bring me the 'F-plan Diet', which they did, but the wife said, 'Please don't start the diet until we've returned to the UK. You'll find out what the 'F' stands for!'

  11. Beans (legumes) cause gas because they contain a sugar, oligosaccharide, that the human body can not break down. Oligosaccharides are large molecules and are not broken down and absorbed by the lining of the small intestine as other sugars are.

    This is because the human body does not produce the enzyme that breaks down oligosaccharides.

  12. beans beans the musical fruit the more you eat the more you toot the more you toot the better you feel so eat your beans wid every meal.............. erm cos they're beans

  13. First, they are good for you so eat (and f**t) all you want.

    Second, I think its because they can't be fully digested to the bacteria have a field day on it... and release lots of gas.

    Just buy some air freshner. Or blame the dog.

  14. Farting is usually caused by bacteria in your gut digesting food you couldn't.  By the nature of those reactions, they release gas.

    Normal food you can digest most food and don't toot.

    But beans, and some dark veggies like Broccoli (varies by person), have more indigestible organic molecules.

    Stress can also reduce you ability to digest stuff!
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