
Over hand serve????

by  |  earlier

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im a short girl and ive been serving under hand since 4th grade and now im in 8th and i wanna step it up and serve over hand. but i feel like i dont have that much power in my arms please give me tips or advice, when i do serve over hand i usally get it to the net or over sometimes.





  1. do something to strengthen your arms, whether it be push ups or lifting weights.

    i mainly did push ups. and practiced. practiced a lot.

    make sure you toss the ball high enough so you can fully extend your arm. don't get discouraged if you keep hitting them into the net, with much practice, soon, they will go over :)

    good luck!

  2. I'm short to ,but I'm great at over hand serves.First try to practice it a lot at practice and see what your strenghts and weaknesses are.Lift weights(don't have to be to heavy)once a day increasing the number of them by 5 everyday until you feel comfortable.The bad thing about over hand serves is that you have less control ,but you have more power.Underhand serves,you have control,but no power. Practice hitting the ball with your palm and fist to see which one you feel more comfortable.

  3. I am 5'2 and with lots of practice I got really good with my overhand serve. I won an entire game just serving once.

    Toss the ball straight up and your goal is to hit it when your arm is at is highest, fully extanded. After you hit the ball always follow thru and have your arm end at your side. So your arm is making a half circle. You want the ball to go just over the net. Practice practice practice!

  4. Wow that sounds exactly like me.  I reccomend push-ups and doing a lot of arm strengthining.  Also buy a volleyball and practice A LOT at home or with friends.  Keep a healthy diet and work-out a lot to keep in shape.  Volleyball is very fun.  This is what helped me and I achieved my goal.  You should also try out for Club Volleyball.  This helps you keep you skill and makes you a better, stronger player.

  5. You don't need power in your arms, you just need to be able move you weight forward when hitting the ball which will get it over the net.

  6. i am in 6th grade and i have served over hand since the 5th grade. the advice is to get you toss high enough so it will go over the net!!! and i close my hand sometimes and sometimed open my hand but i once got all 5 of my over hand serves over the net. the we had to rotate!! =]] well hopefully you take my advice and maybe it will not work but just try it at you next practice! =]] bye
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