
Overcome my fear of roller coasters!?

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Pretty soon, in June or July, My schools going to a feild trip to Valleyfair. I have never been on a roller coaster in my life. I want to get on a rollercoaster but I get really scared! How can i overcome my fear of roller coasters?




  1. Just force yourself to go on a small ride (i.e. teacups) then work bigger and bigger ridewise.

    It takes determination, I know. I remember being about 12/13 and wouldn't dare go on a big slide but once I dared, I loved it and kept going on it again and again.

  2. ok well its pretty much like a train except bumpier and more safe. there are no suicide bombers on a roller coaster, it is stuck on the track and u r held in by a safety thing so u cant fall out. u will be fine. good luck have fun :)

  3. i was also terribly afraid of rollercoasters , but on my 8th grade trip to six flags, i rode the fastest, highest ride (raging bull) first - that sort of helped actually cause i realized how fun it was during it :)

    and now , i'm in LOVE with rollercoasters -

    so i guess .. in order to overcome your fear just go to the extreme, that worked for me haha

  4. do you want to look like a chicken in front of your classmates?

  5. I will explain to you what happens when u go on a rollercoaster. First of all, u get in the cart, saftey bar comes down and/or seatbelts. Then it starts moving. When u go up a slope and prepare to fall, your body stores a lot of energy, also known as adrenaline. So when u go down big drops or slopes, you are supposed to scream loudly with your hands in the air. That is how you have fun. Going down drops will feel weird because ur going down at a fast speed and it makes your stomach feel weird. For a first timer, do not get scared. Its not scary. And, whats there to get scared of. tell me. you are in a cart with saftey stuff. You arent going to fall of. You arent going to die. put a smile on your face and get your tushie on that rollercoaster.

  6. ride a really big one. no joke

    my first coaster was in eighth grade on KINGDA KA. tallest fastest in the world. now i love them. once u realize you wont die or w/e ur afraid of, there the best

  7. I usually find that the scariest part of a rollercoaster is going up the hill in the beginning, probably because its slow and you're getting higher and higher, and if the motor breaks, you're tuck 500 feet in the air.  Try to talk to the person next to you or feel how sturdy our straps are.  After that, everything should be fine because you're going so fast that you probably won't have time to feel scared.

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