
Overhand serve!?

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its my first year playing volleyball but i made varsity (im nervous!) and i need to work on my overhand serve.

are there any tips you can give me or techniques?





  1. 1. do your preserve ritual

    you should be standing comfortably with your feet shoulder distance apart

    2. for righties: left arm out, right hand on ball

    for lefties: just opposite

    3. bring your arm back, keeping your elbow above your shoulder

    these next steps should be quick

    4. toss the ball straight up

    5. step with you forward foot

    6. hit the ball

    whoever said that is a genious. i have issue too...but i just remember the extend the hitting arm and hit the ball with your arm straight. when your hand hits the ball...make sure to snap.

  2. Purchase a cheap practice volleyball, so that you can get a lot of practice in, in your spare time.  This can be used outside on any surface, like against a brick or concrete wall, etc.

    You don't need to toss the ball just hold it high (in a relaxed way) then hit it. Use a bent elbow that straightens. Don't add shoulder muscle movement (shoulder spikers get really bad shoulders later on). Practice the elbow flick with hitting the ball, just to develop that fast flick action. Start slow at first before going real fast.

    Upon contact with the ball, you should add the extra wrist flick that adds spin to your serve, so that it will go over the net, all the time. You can over-emphasize this.

    You can toss the ball if you like to - to practice your spikes - because you should be using the same technique for spiking or serving. You can never have too much practice for your spiking.

    Lots of practice will give you the advantage over other players.

  3. picture your worst enemy on the ball and swing away....also go with the tips that were posted before me

  4. just remember that legs should be shoulder length apart. be sure to throw the ball as high as ur hand will go in the air. remeber to hit the ball as hard as u can(not that hard put enough to make it go over the net) be sure to follow through with hitting the ball no matter wat.

    hope this helped

    and good luck! and remember to have fun

  5. stay relaxed.Practice at a gym or something.Hit the ball with the palm of your hand and stay behind the line.

  6. Practice practice practice. You first need to perfect your toss. Then hitt the ball in the center and swing down but the most important is your toss.

  7. six steps:

    1. do your preserve ritual

        you should be standing comfortably with your feet   shoulder distance apart

    2. for righties: left arm out, right hand on ball

        for lefties: just opposite

    3. bring your arm back, keeping your elbow above your shoulder

    these next steps should be quick

    4. toss the ball straight up

    5. step with you forward foot

    6. hit the ball

    hope this helps

  8. My advice is to have your feet shoulder width apart.. Then hold the ball out in front of you and toss the ball so that it isn't in front of your head. Have a high contact with the ball so that is doesn't go downwards or straight into the net. If your trying a floater, keep your hand stiff and then just don't follow through. If you're doing a top-spin, Do the same thing but snap your wrist. If you really want to get better, I'd advise you to talk to your coach and ask for extra help in that area. First, it''ll show your coach that you are really interested in playing this sport, then it'll help you actually be able to serve overhand. GOOD LUCK!! (P.S. if you're on varsity... I'd also advise you to learn quickly. But if you're already on that team for your first year, you're in good hands.) :-)

  9. Practice!Practice!Practice!

    I know its cliche but its true.

    I started volleyball 3 years ago and this season i finally got my serve down.

    also it would be good if you could get private lessons from someone who could help you with it.

    i had some in the summer and it was really helpful.

  10. there are 3 factors

    1) where you throw the ball

    2) how you hit the ball

    3) posture

    how to do these three factors

    1) throw the ball so that it would land right in front of you dominent foot

    2) hit the ball when your arm is fully extended. hit slightly under the ball. keep your wrist locked

    3) stand up straight, arch your back right before you hit

    practice practice practice! it took me about 5 months to learn how to do it correctly

  11. Tips on Serving:


    With firm wrist, arm toss the ball 18 inches - so that the ball falls to the spot just inside of the lead foot and in line with the hitting shoulder.


    Elbow and hand are at shoulder height or above throughout the entire serving motion.


    Shift weight to lead foot, or step forward, as you make contact with the ball.


    Wrist firm throughout serve.

    Contact with heel of hand through middle back of ball.

    The contact should sound like a "thud", not a "slap" sound.

    Hand follows ball to target.

    Finish with hand alongside or within body line.

    Good Luck

  12. Do you do floaters, topspin, or jump serves?  If you are just starting with overhand serves start with a floater.  Your toss counts for almost everything.  Keep your elbow up.  Have a hard firm hand.  ALways keep your eyes on the ball.  Keep your shoulders square so the ball doesn't go out of control.  Swing straight.  Hope this helps.

  13. First,

    Pick a line of the gym floor, throw the ball over your head and make sure the ball lands on the line, so you make sure it's going to go perfectly up. (if that makes any sense) then once you did that 2 or 3 times throw the ball up in the air but make sure you don't arch your back when hitting the ball (make the hit weaker) and slamm the ball with the bottom palm of your hand.

    And your ready to go.

    Hope it helps.



  14. when you serve, if you hit towards the bottom/middle its gunna be a rainbow serve. if you want a line drive hit straight down the middle and hard. if you want a floater, kind of hit the ball and stop quickly. your left foot should be slightly forward and your left hand should cross your body ready to toss (assuming your right handed). you have to shift your weight using your legs in order to get power behind it. hope this helpss!

  15. practice your toss!! thats the most important part.  

    also u need hit the ball with your arm extended and follow through straight at when you want the ball to go.  

    also taking a step can help. if u are right handed take a step with your left foot and then hit. you can take more steps but end with your left foot. taking steps is your own preference and whatever works.
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