
Overlapping vs. Interlocking golf grip?

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I have always used the overlapping grip for about the past 4 years and have had moderate game improvement (100 - 85) but I really seem to shift the grip more into my palm during my swing and wearing my golf glove really thin in my left heel of my hand. I switched to the interlocking grip and now I don't wear holes in my golf glove anymore and even picked up 10 yards (300 - 310) on my driver because it allows me to hinge my wrists better and keep the grip in my fingers. I should also add that I have X-large hands and 110 - 120mph swing speed. Getting to my question, I've always been told that the interlocking grip is for female golfers and small male golfers (small hands), why is this and why shouldn't I (X-large) use the interlocking grip.




  1. That's bogus.  Tiger Woods uses and interlocking grip.  He doesn't have small hands and you know how far he hits the ball.  Many male golfers use the interlocking grip.

  2. The interlocking grip is for all. Especially if it makes you feel comfortable. I would say look into slightly bigger grips. These will fit your hands better. If you tend to duck hook the ball on your misses, i say go with the bigger grip. If you slice, a smaller grip.

    As for your question, the grip that makes you comfortable is what you should use. Jim Furyk is a world class golfer with big hands using the overlapping grip to fine success. Tiger uses the interlocking to achieve his greatness. Both of these guys are big time players and they use a completely different approach. I say go with what makes you consistent.

  3. Definently go with what feels better and more natural. I personally like the interlocking though, as I feel like my hands are more connected to one another.

  4. An overlapping grip is more of a power grip.

    An interlocking grip is more of a control grip for accuracy-according to tiger

  5. Most people do Overlapping grip but it just really depends on what feels more comfertable for u. And whatever works. In my case, I like to use the Interlocking grip. As im only 13. But sometimes I'll even do the baseball grip. But even players in the pros do the interlocking grip. EX. Tiger Woods. Their is no right way to do it. It's whatever feels more comfertable and what works best for you. In this case, it sounds like the interlocking grip is best for you.

  6. if your hands are like hams, then your fingers won't fit between your other fingers.

  7. I think it should be about comfort only.  Go with whatever is more comfortable.  Golf Greats Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus both use the interlocking grip, while Arnold Palmer and more contemporary golfer Vijay Singh use the overlapping or "Vardon" grip.  So it really doesn't matter, just go with what works, thats all that truly counts.  I have always used the interlocking grip simply because it was more comfortable to me, and I do not have small hands.

  8. Although interlocking grip is recomended for people for smaller hands, you can still use it even if you have large hands. Just look at Tiger Woods. He uses interlock grip and hes not a female golfer nor does he have small hands. Interlock grip is recomended for golfers with small hands because it makes it easier to turn your wrists over. Use whatever grip you feel comfortable with and don't listen to what other people say.

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