
Overseas bank account???

by  |  earlier

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I would like to know more about opening an overseas bank account ....

I live in Scotland in the U.K and would like to know

1) If anyone e.g HMRC can find out about you owning the account if you have told them that you haven't got one?

2) If that is the case do you have to declare the funds which are in it?

3) What the best companies to open an overseas bank account are?

4) How to withdraw without being taxed, would you have to visit the country in which you have the funds in order to be safe this way?

Would appreciate any help or advice, thank you.




  1. I'm a little confused by your question, but I do understand what you are trying to say...I think.

    My husband is from Scotland, and has a bank account with RBS that was never closed.  

    When we moved back to the U.S, we opened an account with Charter One which is going to be known as RBS America.  

    We have transferred funds from our U.S account to his Scotland account several times in the past, and only had to pay a transfer fee.  

    We have never transferred funds from the RBS account to our U.S account.

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