
Ovulation Question...

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I am not on any meds. Last month I had a progesterone blood test to see if I ovulated. I did, my progesterone level was 26.5, which my doctor said was pretty good. I am using OPKs and still no positive at CD19. No signs of ovulation whatsoever. I just thought this is weird since my progesterone levels were fine last month. According to my 28 day cycle, I should have ovulated by now. Do you think I'm just not going to ovulate this month, or do you think I missed my ovulation somehow (even though not much cm, no ovary pains, no positive OPK). I'm going to get another blood test on the CD23 (i can't go on cd21 or 22), but I would like to know your opinion. Thanks in advance.




  1. there's a possibility that even with regular cycles you're ovulating late in your cycles, if this is the case you should talk to your doc about it to try to help you regulate your ovulation cycles as well, you can also ask a fertility specialist online for free to get advice, try

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!

  2. sometimes the OPK's do miss the surge, this is why sometimes they say that you should test twice a day if you are using an opk...i am dealing iwth the same thing right now as well, my CM felt like it we getting heavier but then it just stopped and it was never really fertile cm so i dunno if i am ovulating yet either...its possible that you didnt ovulate yet, and if not ur period will be a little late...however its also entirely possible that you did ovulate, you just didnt have all the sings you normally do.. good luck!

  3. I know how frustrating that is!  I usually will have s*x when I *should* be ovulating, even if the OPK does not show it.  My gyno told me to try the Clearblue Ovulation Monitor, because it is WAY more reliable.  It is like $200, but it gives more info than the standard ones.  I've been trying for about 4 years, and I am willing to try just about anything.
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