
Ovulation Testers? Yes or No?

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My husband and i are TTC our first child. This is our second month. I have not been using anything to track my ovulation..should i? Should i wait a few months and if nothing is happening start doing it? I was thinking about buying those strips to see if you are ovulating. We do the deed almost every other day so i figure that is good. I would be bound to hit a fertile time period at some point?....right?




  1. OPKs are expensive and can be a hassle, but they are a  good  idea if you don't get with your husband very often and need to know exactly the right time... In your case, however, if you are doing the deed every other day, starting on cycle day 8 until your period comes, then you will definitely hit your most fertile time.  Hope you are taking daily prenatal vitamins. If you start taking these several months before you get pregnant and continue them through the whole pregnancy, you can prevent certain birth defects and spinal problems in your baby, and help prevent premature birth.

    The  best way to tell exactly when you are ovulating is to take your temperature every single morning when you first wake up (before you get out of bed or start talking or moving around).  Use a special Basal Body Thermometer (digital).  Then track your results on  Tracking your BBT and cervical fluid is the only 100 percent accurate way of telling if and when you ovulate.

    Good luck!

  2. I went through alot! Pills,Ovulation test,watching the calendar,Taking my temp!!! I tried for 3 years!!! I wasted so much money and was so UPSET!!!***** My friend gave me this advice and I got pregnant in 3 months after trying it the way she told me!!

    Remember you ovulate 14-16 days before you start your period. The time to have s*x to get pregnant is when you are very wet,slippery,and stretchy down there,alot of women's right or left side will hurt when the egg is released. You need to have s*x atleast two or three times the week of ovulation to get preganant.*****VERY IMPORTANT! Stay laying down 30-45 minutes after s*x DO NOT GET UP AT ALL.WAIT TO PEE!!! *****It takes 30-45 minutes for the sperm to reach the egg to fertalize it.Hope this helps!!:) Good luck

    It took me three years of trying and I got this advice from a friend and I got pregnant in two months after I took her advice:)

    Forget about the calendars,charts and OVULATION TEST!!!  LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!!! :) It does work!

  3. I would. We're at 10 months ttc and I'm still not pregnant. Last month I went out and bought an ovulation tester kit because I wanted to make sure I was ovulating and that I was having s*x at ovulation. They really aren't too expensive. I bought mine for something like $25 or so at Walmart. They are just little strips. You pee in this plastic cup and dip the strip into the cup for about 10 seconds. Then you wait about 5 minutes. If the tester line is DARKER than the control line you will be ovulating soon. Sometimes there will be two lines but it is only when the tester line is darker that it means you will soon ovulate.

    I wish I had started right away with tracking my ovulation.

    I would recommend and to help you track as well.  

  4. opk did not work for me i used it for 2 months they cost a lot of money. i would not get one. i heard they do work for some women.

  5. Yes... We TTC'd for 5 months it wasn't until I started tracking my ovulation on  that I got pregnant...Also I began taking Prenatal vitamins & then after 4 months I started taking Vitex & it wasnt 1 cycle after taking Vitex I was pregnant!! You can get it at any GNC store...but anywho...Definitely start tracking your ovulation on calanders as well as Ovulation Predictior Kits which you can get really at any drug store or even the web site I gave you...Theres alot of different ways to track your ovulation Peak...such as a Basal Thermometer and start charting your temp ...which this web site will give you all the info you need to track that & what to look for!!! also checking your cervical mucus is good to sorry (TMI) but around the time of ovulation you should have cervical mucus resembeling Raw Egg I hope I was helpful!! GOOD LUCK && BABY DUST *************

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