
P.E Games at Your School?

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What are some Fun Creative Games You play in your Physical Education Class?




  1. Sock hockey- Based off of Ice hockey........ we all have to find some sort of stick in the athletic room, to use as a stick thingy and we only have 1 minute to do so... then we all take off our shoes and play hockey in our socks, so that it's like we're on ice. It's really fun..


    Speed ball- we have a soccer ball, and you can play soccer with it, or if someone kicks it up and catches it, you can shoot a basket... if someone kicks it up and catches it, you can also pass it around and throw it, but as soon as it bounces you have to play like soccer again, which you can also score a goal with it.

    Giant Ping Pong- We have badmitten nets, and a wiffle ball and wooden paddles, and you play with all of the rules of ping pong except on teams and it is giant.

    over or under- it's basically like dodge ball except there is a volleyball net between the two teams. you can throw a ball over to get points. If it hits the ground, then you get a point. if someone catches it when you throw it over, you don't get a point and the person who threw it gets eliminated. You can throw it under the net to hit people. if you hit them, they're out. However, if you throw it under, people can't catch it. You can win by being first to ten points or by getting everyone out on one team.

    Hope this helps!!!!

  2. Ultimate Frissbee, Swimming

  3. 1. make a middle line in the middle of the room or whatever

    2. make 2 team

    Next, get 8 cones or hankerchiefs or whatever. here is a diagram. x=cone       ------------=border     __________=permanent barrier







                           Team must stay in between these lines (team zone 1)


                           Team must stay in between these lines (team zone 2)




    Next, put your teams in their apropriate team zone. Now, the object of the game is to run over to the other side, and grab a cone. If you are tagged before you get a cone, you must go to "jail", wich is behind the line a obove this entry and behind the first entry (______________). If you get a cone before someone tags you, your not in jail, so if you steal a cone, your safe. The object of the game is to get all 8 cones on one side and none of your team mates in jail, if you have all 8 and no team mates in jail, you win. Remember, you must stay in the zones unless your tagging. One of the funnest parts is the "cops and robbers". Here, you can reach over to the opposite zone and grab an oponent and if you get the oponent over the line, theyre in your jail (if you get someone in jail on the opposite side, they go in your jail). Last, get a ball that you can throw and catch. If you have the ball, and someone on your team is in jail on the other side, throw the ball to them, and if they catch it, with out it bouncing, they can come over to their side, and they cant be tagged on their way back. Also, their is an "escort" play. If a team member is in jail, you can run over the border, and if you catch their arm or whatever, you can "escort" them back to their teams zone. I had a lot of fun with this game!!!!

  4. We play a fun game called Ship-to-Shore! it's really fun, but also work out. One end of the gym is ship, the other shore. The coach or instructor yells out shore or ship and the students must run to that side of the gym. The last one there is out. The instructor may also call out BEACHED WHALE!!, where the student must get on their stomach and the last one to do so is out. there's also DEAD COCKROACH, where the student must lay down on their back, the last one to do so is out. THere is also ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT (#), where the instructor makes up a number afterwards and the students must get in a line of that many and pretend to row a boat. the student left over without a group is out. there is also MAN OVERBOARD AND FISHERMAN, where a pair of students must do actions. Man overboard- one student on hands and knees, the other standing with one foot on the others' back and pretending to search. Fisherman- one student on ground catches PRETEND line that other student casts out. The one group to complete this last is out. It sounds complicated, but it is actually quite simple. The students will LOVE it!! i know i did.

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