
P0172 trouble code help?

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I have a P0172 code and i guess it pretty much means more fuel than air mix in bank one (1st and 3rd cylinders?). Well from i gathered it could be fuel regulator on fuel pump(my car has a integrated one).. dirty injectors..pinched or clogged line...or vacuum leak. Honestly i think its the injectors or the fuel pump because the filter is new from the dealer and the lines are to. So i guess the right way to diagnose the problem would be to get a fuel pressure tester...I haven't ever used before but seems fairly easy... Screws on to a shrader valve on the line and the fuel rail....but my real question is how much fuel should you have in your car to adequately get a good reading. I guess the pressure is suppose to be between 47 to 50 psi. the car is a 2000 cirrus 2.4L. thanks for reading




  1.   It won't matter how much fuel is in the tank, for obvious reasons the pressure should stay within the parameters throughout a tankful of gas.

    If you're getting a mixture too rich code the problem is not going to be a pinched, clogged fuel line, that would reduce the available fuel.

    A vacuum leak would also lean out the mixture.

    The regulator may be off or you may have a dirty, stuck injector (or two)

    You would need a little more research because the pressure requirements differ depending on variables with engine load, vacuum and the like.  Not by a great deal, but enough to need to check.

    I almost hesitate to suggest this because it's not standard, but before investing in a decent pressure gauge that you may use once I would be tempted to run a can or two of GOOD injector cleaner through the engine, briefly disconnect the battery if that's the only way you have to clear the code, and see if and when the light returns.  

    And then there is always the possibility on an almost nine year old car that the O2 sensor needs to be replaced, which is at least as likely as the other possibilities.

    Good luck...

  2. p0172 system too rich, bank 1. this means that the engine is getting too much fuel. this can be caused by many things. fuel pressure dos not look like a problem, but i do not have a book for specs in front of me, but if that was the problem your codes would be a little more obvious you would have misfires on both banks, and a rough running engine. you could have a problem with a maf, not giving and accurate measurement, or a set of plugs that are pretty worn out. as i said before the possibilities are many. if you can hook up a scanner again, look up the freeze frame data and look at all of the information. this will help determine exactly what is going on when the code is stored.  

  3. P0172 (M) 1/1 Fuel System Rich A rich air/fuel mixture has been indicated by an abnormally lean correction factor.

    Bank one sensor one detects a rich condition. While fuel pressure could cause a rich code, you would likely see a code indicating both banks rich, not just one. since the fuel pressure would act on all injectors, look for something common to bank one, like an injector or secondary ignition fault, although an ignition fault will also set a P0300 series code, If the only code is P0172, you must verify the O2's ability to switch, by forcing the system rich and lean and look for the voltage from sensor to change. this will verify the O2's ability to generate a good signal. Likely a sensor either slow to respond or completely failed.

    This (like all Chryslers ) is a MAP system, commonly referred to as a speed density system, it has no MAF (mass airflow sensor)

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