
PETA...Cierto o Falso?

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Does PETA have real facts? Is it exaggerated?




  1. This is what Ingrid Newkirk said herself:

    “Probably everything we do is a publicity stunt ... we are not here to gather members, to please, to placate, to make friends. We're here to hold the radical line.”

    — USA Today, Sep 1991


    "PETA's publicity formula -- eighty percent outrage, ten percent each of celebrity and truth."


    You can decide if "ten pecent truth" is closer to fact or closer to fiction.

    You don't need a long discourse fille with false information as evdinced by someones answer. The real answer can be found in PETA itself

  2. PETA twists their "facts" to support their cause. Sometimes, they just flat-out make stuff up. Either way, if you research from non-biased sources, you'll find that PETA is full of cow manure.

    Also, they are a flat-out **unethical** organization. (Ironic, isn't it, they have the world "ethical" right in their name, yet they are unethical.

    They say they have the best interest of the animals in mind, but I don't believe it. Although I have no proof of it, I would suspect that many of their "under-cover videos" are even staged, which is sad.

    PETA kills animals:

    They also have the goal of making all domestic animals extinct. They don't want people to have pets. Or service dogs. Etc.

    Some suggested reading about PETA:

    I also could never NEVER support a group that intentionally inflicts psychological damage to children and tries to get to the parents by USING the children and attempting to make the children fearful of their own parents. They have handed out the following comics to children:

    You Mommy Kills Animals -

    Your Daddy Kills Animals -

    I don't have all the information handy, but at one point a year or so ago, I decided to read through the PETA site. What I found was a wealth of mis-information and information skewed to support their "cause".

    Here's a video that shows their hypocrisies:

    (Disclaimer: the guys narrating the video use some strong language, if that offends you, don't want it.)

    In short, they are a destructive group that go about things completely the wrong way. They "protest" by interfering with others in ways that should not be done.

    * They disrupted VS fashion show a couple years ago:

    * Although they have discontinued the practice, they used to attack people with spray-paint that were wearing fur coats. (Their website now says "if you have a fur coat, donate it to a homeless person.")

    (There are numerous other examples, you can do a search on the internet and find them.)


  3. they have a good cause, but every once in a while they get too extreme and scare a lot of people (like me) away.  look at their "state of the union" video.

  4. PETA has made a fine art of presenting different faces to different audiences. For many people they are sort of an animal-welfare or humane society, but they have a higher kill ratio than any other in the US.

    For other people, they are guides to veganism, but the information they post and peddle is so distorted as to be worse than worthless.

    And for their inner circle, they are crusaders against every human-animal interaction, including pets, service dogs such as seeing-eye and hearing-ear dogs, zoos, circuses, lab animals, domestic animals, draft and riding horses, police dogs, and any other such interaction you can think of.

    The following tale of head honcho Ingrid Newkirk pretty well characterizes the organization's philosophy. One of her assistants told her that she had finally succeeded in converting her boyfriend to veganism. "Fine," replied Ingrid. "Now dump him and start out on converting another boyfriend."

  5. some is fact, but most is exaggerated.

  6. they may have found one instance of something wrong, then extrapolate that to EVERY restaurant, slaughterhouse, or farm.  It's just not true.  They are whack-jobs.

  7. I used to believe the hype from the detractors and separate myself from PETA not wanting to be associated with them, vegetarian despite them.

    But as I was reading up on all I could and finding out more it turns out PETA was pretty much right on the money. In fact, in some ways too mainstream (they promote the vegetarian products by the very big corporations while virtually ignoring the smaller companies).

    One of the things I discovered though is PETA is under attack deceptively from the meat and dairy industries under the guise of a citizen's group, Center For Consumer Freedom which is really astroturfing skirting the rules as a charity but one which pays the founder's PR and lobbying firm (Berman & Co) for services. This founder, Richard (Rick) Berman is attacking many groups for his big money clients even to the point of encouraging pregnant women to ignore mercury in fish so they won't have dumb children... (scare tactics).

    Berman's Boys are the ones linking PETA to extremism such as throwing paint on people wearing fur. Those are other smaller splinter groups or even just some like-minded people not affiliated to any group.

    Who does Berman & Co/Center For Consumer Freedom work for though? They work for Monsanto, The meat, dairy, restaurant industries, the fishing industry, Wal-Mart, Tyson, Cargill, Dean Foods, big tobacco, the soda industry and the beer and alcohol industry among others.

    Some of his industry backed astroturf groups include:

    Center for Consumer Freedom Umbrella:






    * and


    The Employment Policies Institute

    American Beverage Institute

    Employment Roundtable

    Center for Union Facts

    Employee Freedom Action Committee

    It's funny they name themselves scam so much since they are such scammers.

    I just found one of the tag team postings a few days ago on the Boston Globe website. David Martosko works for Berman's scam operation and is actually in the Penn & Teller anti-Peta episode (that Penn & Teller are that easily manipulated and/or in the pockets of big industry and helping them to play us for fools has caused me to lose all respect for them -- better fools than tools).

    Under Dave Martosko who is mocking Greenpeace is a comment by Gavin Gibbons commenting for the National Fisheries Institute which is another industry front. He is ironically attempting to throw doubt on a poster by saying that poster is making ad hominems even as his buddy above has made one after another about Greenpeace. This time they're trying to obscure the issue of the collapse of the fish stocks but they've also been very active trying to get people to believe there is no mercury issue or PCBs/Dioxins (Monsanto deals) in fish and they've even tried to convince pregnant women that the harm of mercury isn't worth having mentally delayed children (trying to scare us) which they say can be avoided by eating even more fish (on that one they tried to claim the March of Dimes was behind them).

    See, they can't fight the groups like PETA, Greenpeace and MADD on facts so they try to do it through mocking. That the industries would resort to these tactics shows just how much more scummy the companies are.

    Richard Berman is known as Dr. Evil, or as I like to call him, Beezlebub. He starts "charitable" groups such as Obesity Myths, or Fish Scam and solicits donations via advertising spreading the ideas the industries want you to believe. It's all about deception.

    Berman's group under an entirely new incarnation has even been caught in the last few weeks spreading rumors in an attempt to get Gordon Smith re-elected as a senator.

    You'll find lots of the Berman people posting derogatory things about PETA (even here) directing them to several sites that are critical trying to discredit PETA but that's because the industries are scared of them which should say quite about the kind of businesses they are and those businesses have much more to hide than PETA does.

    I also wouldn't put too much stock into Scott L's answer here. He seems to be obsessed with the Vegetarian & Vegan section but mostly to cast doubt on the whole idea and I'm not sure what sort of motivation that requires.

  8. A few facts and a whole lot of propaganda.
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