

by  |  earlier

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i noticed my cat was pregnant about 2 days ago and she started having them now they are to young 1 is already dead 1 is alive but it is sooo tiny and hairless is there any way to save it? its not breathing alot but i have it rapped up! i have seen 3 litters and never anything like this some one please help. Please




  1. Why are you on here and not on the way to your vet?  What's the matter with you?

    Get going!!


  3. Keep rubbing the kitten that is alive to stimulate it to breathe! Keep it warm, but keep rubbing it. Rubbing it will stimulate it to breathe.

    Find an emergency clinic at once! Take your cat and her kittens there immediately (take the dead kitten with you as well). The clinic will be better equipped to handle this emergency and can administer any medications necessary as well as decide if the kittens are suffering.

    And please for the love of all things, have your cat spayed so this horrible tragedy doesn't happen again. It's the only responsible thing to do!

  4. Try calling 311(if available where you live) and ask for help, if not ask a friend who has a cat what you can do. 911 may work. they probably wont send an ambulance but the operator may be able to walk you through it. You can also try bringing the cat to the vet tomorrow. try to keep the animals warm.Good luck, i hope your other kitties turn out to be okay.  FOLLOW THIS LINK:

  5. Why do you keep allowing your cat to breed?  Every kitten you allow your cat to have means a cat or kitten PUT TO DEATH at your local shelter because you'll take homes from them.  So sorry - I can't exact feel sorry for you right now when her getting pregnant was ENTIRELY under YOUR control NOT to happen.  GET HER SPAYED!

  6. Take them to the emergency vet.  That's the only responsible thing to do.  When you got the cat, you became responsible for her medical care.  Take her AND the kittens to the vet.  I would not recommend "rubbing" or otherwise messing with the kitten, if he's really that little, you'll probably just hurt him, and you don't know what you're doing anyway since you're not a vet.  Vet now!

    If YOU were giving birth, right now, to a premature baby, wouldn't you want someone to take you to a doctor?  Or should they just "wrap you up" and hope for the best?

  7. Definitely take it to the vet! For the sake of your cat as well as your kittens! Good luck!

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