
PLEASE HELP! Dream Meaning?

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I need to know what this dream means? I had it maybe 5 or 6 years ago... but it stands out from the rest of my dreams, it seems important.

There were only children and teenagers locked up at this camp/prison and there were no adults to be seen.

We all wore white, the place and items were all white and it was very peaceful and beautiful there.

Everyone seemed happy.

For some reason I had to escape. A boy and me ended up escaping over one of the vine walls.

I would appreciate some meanings given if known.





  1. you have a large desire to be independant and you should move across the country asap.  the only thing keeping you where you are is your fear of becoming great!

  2. You should look for some sites that offer dream interpretation. It seems to me that you have an easy life made for you, but you don't agree with it and want to escape and do what you like or something like that.

  3. The group of young people dressed in white symbolize the people around you, the people you know. The fact that they all look the same, feel the same and seem happy is because there are so many others doing it. In the dream, you wanted to escape. This means that you don't want to be like everyone else; you want to be a unique person. The boy escaping with you might mean that you are looking for a unique friend or soulmate.

    Not 100% sureif this is the exact meaning, but that might mean something to you. Good luck!

  4. I think, before your wedding day, you and another man will run away and elope

  5. You dream reminded me one of the classic twilight zone.

    Anyway, here is my interpretation

    locked up in the camp/prison = lack of freedom

    wore white and peaceful = free of control, prefect feeling, peer pressure

    You and the boy ended up escaping = seeking freedom, risk, challenge.

    a boy = support, close relationship.

    This dream may hint about the relationship you want to (or currently are in). You are feeling the need to have a new challenge.  Projecting those children and teenagers being locked up symbolize some peer pressure in you.  You may be feeling lack of freedom in some sense even though that may be a safety zone for you. You feel the need to break out of the boredom.  You subconsciously feel the need to venture into the next level.  The boy in your dream symbolize support or close relationship you are seeking.

    Basically, there are things in life you feel you want to do, but restricted to do it and you are looking for a new way to live in your life and you vent out  your feelings in this dream.

  6. Prison camp, you feel emotionally caged.

    No adults, your dealing with too much responsibility.

    We all wore white, you like the fake world you live in, but you yearn for a truer one even if it's worse.

    Everyone seemed happy, for some reason i had to escape, you see yourself as the only one who wants to break off and be an individual.

    A boy and me ended up escaping over one of the vine walls, You want someone to join you in being in a truthful world, perhaps because of its newness it can be intimidating.

    Hope that helps =)

  7. I think its all about conforming and how people are happily oblivius to the fact that they are just following the crowd. You want to be original and be free.

    how very cliche....but thats waht i think!

  8. A camp setting in your dream suggests that a positive change is coming in your life, possibly related to where you live or go to school/work.

    If you dream that you are in prison, you are feeling suffocated in a relationship or situation. If you dream your boyfriend or crush is in prison, it is a signal that this person is deceitful and untrustworthy.

    To dream of seeing happy or beautiful children in your dream is lucky. You will have great happiness and blessings. If you see kids working or studying, peaceful times are ahead. To dream of a sick or unhappy child symbolizes trouble from your enemies. If you dream of playing with children, your love hopes will come true. If you dream of being a mother (and you don't have children in real life), this foretells a surprising turn of events concerning a cause you believed to be lost.

    The color white represents purity, perfection, peace, innocence, awareness and new beginnings. If your dream prominently features the color white, you may be experiencing a reawakening or have a fresh outlook on life.

    To dream of escaping in a dream means you need to face something that you've been avoiding.

    If you dreamed of healthy vines, you will be succesful. However, to dream of dry or withered vines suggests that you are overtired and need to rest and renew your energies. If you dreamed of fast-growing vines, this represents your ambitious thoughts or ideas. It may also indicate your clinginess to others. If you dreamed of being grabbed or hurt by vines, you will be given some confidential information which will be of great value to you

    I just started using this website. I kept using it because I was tellin my boyfriend I feel misunderstood and unappreciated by everything. i then started telling him of this dream I had like a minute after I told him that. He said look it up, i did and it said the dream symbolized me feeling misunderstood and unappreciated. Crazy. Most dreams are from how you are feeling at that position in your life. Yours was a while back

  9. you and one of your friends (could be a boy or a girl as well) are different and manage to escape the boring world people around you live in. it's a peaceful dream. but escaping could be a little dangerous.

  10. You are doing to die at 4:33pm on Friday July 11, 2008. Go prepare yourself.

  11. Your falling from heavens grace and slipping into h***s grasp. Go to church

  12. jUst be caRefuL yO,,. we never know

  13. If you're over 18 it means you need to find a man and give him oral s*x immediately.

  14. It is very childish to project an image of perfection when everything is not perfect. Anyway I think it means you wanted freedom to express yourself.

  15. A dream is just a imagination of the mind, you must of been thinking a lot on that day when you went to sleep.

    My grandmother died two months ago. I've been having a couple of flashbacks and dreams about her because I think about her a lot, that's why I dream about her.

    You are in the same situation. You think, then dream.

  16. Your mind is sensing that there's something very wrong with the way things are and with good reason.  You are picking up on a very subtle conformity in the young people of our society.  It all looks good from the outside...but theres a certain way they are all alike that scares the h**l out of you.  I have a feeling that what you are picking up on is the fat that few of these young people question the way things are now.  They act like the rebellious teens we used to be, but there's no real depth.  (There is for some, obviously, or you wouldn't have had the dream.)  Teens have a unique capacity to see all the ways in which their parents did it wrong.  This is natural and provides the foundation for growth in the human species...but you are seeing through this dream the beginnings of a breakdown in this cycle.  Kids seem to like things the way they are... even though they know that lots of things are doesn't affect them directly, so they don't seem to care.  And it is this that makes you feel trapped.  

    Read the book 1984, or watch the movie.  You'll be surprised how eerie some of the similarities are.

    Do not be alarmed, however, though these images are a little freaky, they are just there to remind you that no matter how zombified the rest of society still get to think for yourself.

    Blessed be


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