

by  |  earlier

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  1. Just grow a backbone and tell them......

    Make sure there paying full attention to you when you tell them.......

  2. Firstly, are you sure? If so, and you have a current partner, tell them together. You may be amazed at how little of a surprise it turns out to be. Parents have an idea of their kid's sexuality whether they agree or not, and are usually  relieved to know the truth, one way or another.

    It was a difficult thing to do in days gone by but nowadays the stigma has gone.

    I wish you the best in your current dilemma and wish  you a happy and prosperous life

  3. well pretty much the same way u see on tv just sit down with them and tell them the most gentle way you can  

  4. no relation to Language section

    post it in Society & Culture--Cultures & Groups  

  5. Just tell them you have something to say...

    And that you really hope that they still accept you after you tell them.

    Then just say it.

  6. well tell them you can be who ever you want to be and its your life then if they agree then tell them they are them and you are you  

  7. Well, you know your parents and their opinion of "guy" relationships.

    You seems nervous so I only assume they are not accepting of such life styles. If that is the case, I would bring up the topic a few times to feel them out. During the conversation say, "well hypothetically would you still love me if I ever told you I was L*****n?"

    Go off the response...

    If you feel comfortable and trusting of the answer just admit it right then and there..

    If they say they would reject you, then you should keep it to yourself. Come clean when your ready to risk loosing your parents. Some people cannot and will not accept this lifestyle, and you need to do what makes you happy.

    Good luck

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