
PLEASE help! My throat really hurts!?

by  |  earlier

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I went to the doctor to see why my throat is ALWAYS hurting and heres what they said:

1. its not strep

2.not mono

3.not my tonsils

4.not allergies either.

They puit me on some antibiotics but they dont seem to help. My throat really hurts. Like i have barely ate in days but it doesnt hurt just when i swallow. It hurts constantly! What could it be????? Please! I NEED SOMEW RELIEF!




  1. a medicine namedPANAKAL KANDU which looks like sweet stones can cure it.

    you have to mix it in warm milk instead of sugar and have it. its a tamil medicine  

  2. maybe you've been yelling.shouting too much

  3. Could it be something with your sinuses?  If you have drainage, that can aggravate your throat also.  

    Try drinking hot tea.  It'll hurt your throat, almost burn it, but the relief after wards feels good.  I usually follow a hot mug of tea with a glass of ice water.  Sounds crazy, yes, but the relief after wards is worth it.

  4. If it doesn't hurt too much you could try to gargle with salt water.  If it's caused by organisms they can't survive in saline solution.

    Collodial silver is what I'd use or grapefruit seed extract---health food stores.  You may have a systemic problem.

    What about something emotional?  Like a lump in your throat?

    Try relaxing and telling yourself you feel great and are easily able to swallow.   Imagine your throat healing as your white blood cells flood the area protecting you.

    There is a little spot in the triangle of web between your thumb and pointer finger.  Rub and press there.  It helps relieve pain.

    YOu might also try stroking your neck lightly at least a hundred times.  This is anethetizing and may give you short term relief.

    Germs do better in a cold environment in your throat.  Keep it warm.

  5. Sounds Like LOCKJAW or TETANUS

    If you have not gotten your regular Tetanus or lockjaw shot in the past ten years.

    To get it you would have cut yourself on some rusty nails or something rusty.

    Also the second link is to a site on Gonorrhea.

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