
POLL: Was I being too preachy?

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Tomorrow morning at 8:30 I am helping a friend of mine move. He's more of an acquaintance from the straight bar, but we've become closer in the last couple months (he laughs at all my jokes and repeats them to others, saying how funny I am). Anyway, a month or so ago when he spoke of moving I offhandedly offered my help if he needed help moving. He texted me today asking if I could still help. (There will be other straight people there. Not that it matters, but he's moving into a rather large, beautiful brick colonial -- so I assume he earns a nice living.)

Anyway, I told my g*y friend Ryan that I'm helping this guy move tomorrow and the first thing Ryan asked was, "Is he paying you?" I said no, and Ryan told me that he wouldn't help someone if he wasn't being paid.

I then told Ryan that I wasn't raised that way -- that it is our job in life to help other people. Was I being too preachy? Or was Ryan just being greedy?

Truthfully, 8:30 is early for me, but I am happy to help. (The guy joked in his message and said, "There's beer in it for you." Naturally I'm not going to drink during the day.)

P.S. I'm already worried about what I'm going to wear. Obviously jeans and a t-shirt I don't mind getting messed up, right? And I'm nervous seeing str8 people outside of where I usually see them.

So back to my original question: Was I being too preachy?




  1. Preach it brother Mac!!! you weren't just stating your opinion. You dress s**y in those jeans and that t-shirt. the straights will just be envious...gotta love that ;)

  2. No, you weren't being preachy, he was being greedy.

    Just wear whatever you feel comfortable in (just a pair of boxer shorts doesn't count, haha XD).  

  3. You are being a good friend and you goin to get a nice workout. Don't worry about Ryan.

  4. You're worried about what you're going to wear? Atta boy! You never know who will see you when you're all sweaty and pumped up!

    You're not too preachy, you're a good friend.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  5. as someone who deals with straight people every day I wouldn't see there being a problem. Especially if you are helping someone move. I don't think you were being preachy this is how I was raised as well.

    If you worried about the straight folk just lift something heavy and show them all up, that'll tell em.

    As to what to wear, don't worry about it jeans and a t-shirt is fine.  

  6. I think that you need to give a more long winded reply then you did in order to be considered preachy. He gave his opinion of free help, and you did the same.

    Unless you resorted to a speech to make your point, I doubt that you could be considered preachy.  

  7. No, if that's all you said it should be fine.

  8. yes.. a little bit

  9. You were not being to preachy at all. Some people need to be told when they are being to petty, not everything we do has to be for our own personal gain.


    P.S. Just rock a nice snug t-shirt to maximize your muscle exposure.  

  10. Honestly, given the situation, I would say yes. You're absolutely right that it is our job in life to help others, but in my opinion that refers to those who really need help, not free labor when they can afford to hire professionals. So, while it is good of you to help out a friend, Ryan didn't deserve the misplaced morality lesson.

    Your choice of apparel is right on.

  11. Only a little and there is nothing to worry about because we tend to do this. You were just reacting to what he said.  

  12. from the story.. it didnt sound like sounded more like a small comment


  13. no u did the right thing

    sounds like ryan is a bit of an a*shole

  14. Yeah, kind of. I think Ryan would have understood your point w/out the whole "that is our job in life". But then again, Ryan was ALSO greedy...don't worry about it.

  15. NO, your str8 friend didn't say 'Hey can you help if I pay you'?  Thats part of the problem with our society, everyone seems to want something but give nothing.  I think your attempt at 'educating' Ryan was really cool and not preachy at all.  Good luck with the moving thing s**y dude.

  16. Oh, you're too cute. (:

    Don't worry about it, dollface.

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