
PS3 Help!? PS3 owners please help.?

by Guest62223  |  earlier

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So I've had my 40GB PS3 for about a month and a half. It works fine but suddenly it froze for about 1 second. This is the first time its done that, but i'm a bit worried.Is it normal for a PS3 to freeze every now and then. I usually play for 2-3 hours in a nice cool room, so it doesn't overheat. what could it be.




  1. Mine had a freeze too (once, after playing it with my friends for a long time). BTW, turn off Information Board - it's a known reason for some problems.

  2. it happens when i was playing ratchet and clank it would freeze every now and then for me it only froze like twice  

  3. try buying a small fan and put ur ps3 virtical  then put the fan in front or it and turn it on that also works for xboxes

  4. Could've been the game. I played Oblivion a lot, it froze every once in awhile, sometimes more frequently than other times.

    But it does happen. Same with every other console. I wouldn't be too worried about it.

  5. I think mine froze up on the first day. It is annoying but it happens.

  6. Every electronic has some problems here and there. PS3 has a low fail rate so you shouldn't worry.

  7. For $400 bucks and a month old, your PS3 shouldn't freeze despite what others here are saying ! If you still have the store receipt, I'd take it back and exchange it for another one !

    I'm a fan of the playstation consoles, but I've had nothing but trouble with every one I've owned. My PS1 and PS2 consoles both gave me headaches and eventually died out on me. I went through 4 PS1 consoles and 3 PS2 consoles. I ahd two fatty original PS2's and now I have a slimline ! The playstation consoles have a design flaw and Sony has never acknowledged that they do.

    There was a PS2 class action suit against SCEA about 2 and a half years ago for the PS2's disc read error issue.

    My PS3 so far hasn't giving me any problems !

  8. relax, it freezes now and then for everybody

  9. my ps3 has frozen before even had to restart but it still works fine and since it was only a second you should be fine sometimes trying to do things way to fast like loading then quitting right away might slow it down

  10. If the PS3 froze for about a second or two, it shouldn't be anything you should have to worry about. I've had my PS3 for nearly 2 years and it's frozen maybe 3 or 4 times since then but other than that I've had no issues with it. It's pretty normal for a console to freeze every know and then because it's an electronic device, but it shouldn't be freezing a lot.

  11. Hmmmm...... Does it freeze in the main menu, or whilst playing a game, or internet browsing or other? My playstation does do it occasionaly, but it's seriously nothing to worry about. Try updating the software if it gets worse. Just go to Settings and then select system update. If you don't have a wireless internet connection, you can download it from the Playstation website. You will need some form of portable storage media (memory stick, portable hard drive etc.)

    When it's downloaded, plug it in to one of the 4 USB ports, select settings in the menu, then system update, via portable storage media.

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