
PS3 freezing issues?

by  |  earlier

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is anyone out there that having the same freezing issue? it happens when you try to send a message to one of your friends while playing a multiplayer game.thanx in advance




  1. If you knew the hardware architecture of the ps3 you wouldn't be surprised. You've noticed your pc's web browser freezing up when there's too much multitasking on your pc, I bet. Well, the ps3 has 256mb of video memory and 256mb of XDDRAM, that is much less than a pc running a video game and a messager typically has available. The games take up nearly all of the video memory and most of the system RAM, which isn't designed for long term storage (it's clocked at 3.2 gHz just like the cpu, designed to repeatedly store and dump information in fast cycles in a running process, that is, 3d game engines). There's not much left over to do instant messaging when a game is running.

    Sony put in the in-game XMB because of popular demand, not because it was a good idea. Basically the only thing that would work at all is messages, and apparently even that can exceed the hardware  .

    There's a slight possibility it's related to bandwidth also, that can combine with low memory to make a freezeup. But only if your bandwidth is 256kbits/s download or less. Otherwise, no multiplayer game + messager would make you exceed the bandwidth limit.

  2. kozzm0 is right (as usual :-). You'll get the same result with your PC if you overload it with tasks. However, there's one little trick, which'll free up some RAM and traffic - turn off Information Board. Sometimes it causes freezes. Why Sony invented that stupid thing...
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