
Pain over left eye and fatigue?

by  |  earlier

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My Doctor and I thought I had a sinus infection so I was sent to see a ENT specialist at the hospital and had a face xray (showed all ok) and then a CT sinus scan - which again showed sinus's are all ok!!! I have now been refered to a Neurologist.

For a few months I have had a v bad pain over my left eye in the brow bone and in the corner of my left eye, and I have been v v v v tired and have go to sleep for a few hours in the day. Its like I have a fog in the front of my head till I go and have a lie down.

Any ideas what it could be? I was sure it was sinus related....

I did have a funny imune system problem in Feb of this year when all my blood counts went funny & I was exhausted and the Docs thought I had glandular fever but I didnt!!! I gradually got better and thought that was that... Any ideas appreciated as I have to wait to see the specialist now...




  1. sounds like a migraine to me. that's exactly where mine hurt. They are exhausting!! If your dr. will let you try Imitrex or Maxalt. They treat migraines and will only work if it is a migraine so you can rule out everything else if it works.

  2. It sounds as though you are in good hands.  Try not to worry...I am sure that your doctor is on the right track.  You shall be up and running in no time.

  3. .......... I was just afraid

  4. Have you had your eye sight tested  in case you need spectacles. It so obvious that it can be missed. Hope it is that anyway it's just that i get that sort of pain when my prescription needs changing  

  5. I wonder if it could be pschological or stress related? Because that sort of thing affects you in all those ways too. Sometimes people underestimate the way mental stress can affect the body phsically.

    Do you express your emotions or do you keep everything inside? Are you a tense and stressed person? When the doctors cannot find anything wrong maybe you should look in that direction.

    Of course let the docs to all the tests they can- its just if they really cannot find anything wrong with you then its got to be something like that.

    Eat lots of fruit and veg , wholegrains and fish, and make sure you get enough iron and b12 , from salmon or calves liver (they are especially good) as it could even be a vitamin deficiency- you'd be amazed how they can affect you too!

    get plenty of fresh air and sunshine when you can too....

    good luck and take care of yourself

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