
Painkillers question?

by  |  earlier

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should i take painkillers after meal or before meal?

and is there some kind of food that i cannot consume....while on the painkillers?

it doesnt say anything on the label of my prescribed painkillers for post-surgery though....




  1. I take them after I eat by about 20 minutes, if I have to. I try to take them BETWEEN meals. If you take them then eat, you can lose some of the effect. However! if you eat, and then take them, they can take longer to take effect.

    What is it that you're taking?

  2. before...

    The food will smash the painkiller into absorbable

    crumbs that your body will use to get rid of pain.

    It will still take a while to dissolve... But eating after eating will work just as well...

    Hope it helped.

    Also depends on the medicine.

  3. after
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