
Paint Shop Pro Designing?

by  |  earlier

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Its fun , but there is one thing im still trying to crack !

I am trying to figure out how to get the lines for the words. Like where it says Barbie & Miss. Chole , the lines behind it . Does anybody know how to do this ? If so thanxks for helping !! [ if yuu do help )




  1. Ok I can tell you how it's done.  

    In PSP click on the Preset Shape Tool or press P on your keyboard.  In the Shape List up the top, open the drop down box and find Rectangle.  

    Uncheck Retain Style and check Anti Alias and Create as Vector.  

    On the Line Style find the Arrowhead Ball and click on it.  

    Line width of 2.  

    Now on your example they have used a grey background and grey fill on the box for Miss Chloe.

    They have used grey background and black fill for the Barbie.  

    It's up to you what colours you want, in this example we'll use grey and black.  

    So on your material palette choose black for your Foreground/Stroke and choose grey for your Background/Fill.

    On to your working canvas in PSP draw out your rectangle.  

    Viola it's done.  It's that easy!  If your happy with that then click on Layers - Convert to Raster.

    Now you can add your text on top of that and/or anything else.

    Hope this helps =)

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