
Painting my room?

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Ok so I'm painting my room red white and black) I'm sorry I more punk then like girly girl so yeah its not gonna be pink and purple so sorry. SO what I ORGINALLY wanted to do was paint my whole room black...........but my mom said we compromised and she said I can paint the two longer walls I said ok.......but today before we started putting the primer on she said do you want me to go out buy black paint? and I'm Like WHAT!? she said I don't give a c**p any more so why don't we paint it black? but the thing is I have these black curtains that I LOVE they block out the sunlight. but the thing is if paint the room black then I would have to change the curtains to red.

so here are my choices:

the two short walls BLaCk the long walls RED and keep the BLack curtians

and keep my closets white and the trim white

the two long walls BLACK the two Short walls RED keep the closets WHITE and THE trim white and RED curtains

The WHOLE ROOM BLACK paint the closets RED and the trim WHITE and RED curtains

Thanks for any help i'm sorry for rambling on about myself!




  1. Paint the walls where the curtains are black, paint the rest of them all red and the closets, leave them white..

    I feel the exact same way as you, my walls are red and white and my bed is black.. Ha ha ha!

  2. no point getting new curtains so just do the first option!

    hope u like it xx

  3. I would go with the first choice!

  4. id say the first option because too much black can make the room too dark. also with the longer walls red you can add black accesories, and you dont need to buy new cutains. :)

  5. BUY  BLACKBOARD PAINT for the two long walls: it's more expensive....but you can use sidewalk chalk to personalize it!  There is also black-light chalk available.   Your Mom's terrific. Do the closets and trim white; but save up...and when you can afford it...put a pearl glaze over the white....BLUE tape is the answer.   Have a great time and HUG your MOM!

  6. I know this isn't even one of your options, but I think I would go with...

    two long walls BLACK

    two short walls WHITE

    trim & closests RED

    and the curtains..RED/or WHITE

    If not, I do like your last option as well.

  7. i wouldnt paint the whole room black because it'll be too dark

    but it keeps the room cool not hot
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