
Palin has more experience than Obama?

by Guest21445  |  earlier

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I keep reading on YA! that Palin has more experience than Obama. To the people who believe this to be true, and those who believe it to be false, please debate your point with facts. By the way, I want facts, not blogs. Facts are things said that can be backed up with proof, in case you did not know. Mature people only please.

I don't see it, so prove me wrong.




  1. Okay.  Here's the deal:

    Obama - four years of senate (two of which he has been campaigning)

    Palin - two years of being Governor of Alaska

    Palin's job as Governor is closer to being a President than a Senator's job is.  Palin has earned EXECUTIVE experience.  She is running a state.  Obama has LEGISLATIVE experience.  He passes laws.

    The President's job is an EXECUTIVE one.  A Governor is pretty much the same thing as a president (except for a state, not a nation).  While a Senator's job is practically the same as a State Legislator's (again on a larger scale).

    In addition, Alaska is a border state to two countries (Canada and Russia).  As a Governor, Palin has made Fish and Game deals with Russia and Canada giving her foreign policy experience.

    For that reason I believe Palin has more experience than Obama.

    In additon:  She has visited Iraq as many times as Obama has.  And she is running the Alaskan National Guard.

  2. The best way to respond to your question is to start with Obama and use his experience as a benchmark.

    Obama has NO experience or training in the functional areas that are of concern to a president and commander in chief.  Being a Harvard-educated lawyer or a community organizer is not "experience."  Being a skilled orator is not "experience."  The issue of experience does not rely on potential; it relies on exposure to and familiarity with the exercise of duties.

    Palin has has experience as an executive.  She has run a business, served two terms as mayor of a small town in Alaska and has spent almost a year and a half as chief executive and governor of Alaska.  Alaska is a small state population wise (as is Delaware), but it has a large economy.

    There is really no question about who has the edge in experience.  The real question is how relevant the experience is.  Is managing a small business, a small town, or a "small" state good training for a potential president of the United States?  That would be a difficult case to make.

    What it comes down to is this:  Palin is not running for president;  Obama is.  

  3. Governor of Alaska(47th in population) vs U.S. Senator and President of Havard Law Review. So basically you have a mayor going up against one of the most intelligent men in the country.  

  4. If Palin were a democrat the world would be going crazy right now. She will be ignored by the media and stabbed in the back by liberals. Obama has been is the Senate for about three years (absent from a large percent of votes) and the media paints him as highly qualified to be president of the US. Truth is the DNC wants to have the first black president and they do not care about qualifications.  

  5. Sarah Palin has experience running a business.  She has been the mayor of a small town and a governor of the largest state in the country.  She has managed organizations, something that neither Obama or Biden have ever done.  Having run a business I can tell you that is a very difficult job.  You learn it by doing it.  There is no other way.  To elect Obama we are gambling that someone who has never managed anything before will pick up on the job.  

  6. Obama is a coke snorting lowlife and has absolutely no chance in this election , most of his crowd wont even show up on election day

  7. Republicans must have some really sharp pencils, with the fine lines they are drawing.

    No, she doesn't have more experience than Obama.  She is a first- term governor, he is a first-term senator.  He has prior experience in a state legislature, she has prior experience as a mayor of a small town in Alaska.

    Obama has little in the way of foreign policy experience, she has none.  He has minimal experience in national politics, she has zero.

    Let's be fair, and concede that Obama doesn't have much experience either, but to call Palin "more experienced" is ridiculous.

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