
Palin on social issues?

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I know she is pro-life in any circumstance, including rape or incest. Is she against birth control?? s*x education in schools?

How about equal pay for women?

I know she is against g*y marriage. Does she support civil unions? Equal rights in terms of jobs and healthcare?

Is there anywhere to find exact quotes from her about these issues?




  1. Well, considering she's a working woman, do you think she wants equal pay, or less than all other vp's?  That's just riddiculous!

  2. Who cares...send her back to her frozen wasteland.

    No she doesn't support anything but anti abortion, anti g*y and gun ownership.  Hockey mom my a.r.s.e.

    All of Alaska is an ice rink!!

    Start here and I'm sure ONE LINK will lead to another and another and another!  Not that hard.

    She didn't earn the name BARRACUDA for NOTHING.

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