
Palins kids names already disqualify her?

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I know its farfetched, but would you want someone to lead the free world that names her kids track, trig, willow, bristol and piper? Whats her next 5 kids names going to be.. field, ger, weeping, meyers and pied?

Something about those names that make me say.. wtf?




  1. This is a generation of strange names. (Barack??) Look at all the liberal actors and actresses who name their babies crazy things.. Moon, Apple, etc. Who cares? I love her kid's names.

  2. She and her husband are outdoors people. They hike, fish and hunt. They're obviously are affected by the enviornment and named their children to reflect that. What's wrong with that? Stop knit picking! She's still better qualified than Obama.

  3. Yes, they're odd names, but is giving your children 'normal' names a requirement for vice presidency of the United States? Who cares what her kids' names are? If this is the best you can come up with for not voting for McCain/Palin, then I'd say the Republicans have the election in the bag.

  4. You don't like Piper Palin?  Did you know she already has her next 7 kids names picked out:  Bark, Salamander, Root, Exxon, Bigfoot, Stem, and John Jr.

  5. Like another writer wrote, they spend a lot of time hiking & camping. I would think close to High Tension transmission lines. God only knows why he chose her in the 1st place. Something to do with senility. This untried unknown person, if elected will be one heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the world. It can't get any scarier. At least River & Leaf Phoenix parents admitted to toking up on occasion. What's growing wild up in those Alaskan woodlands???.  

  6. are you serious?  nice show of intolerance to difference.  pretty much sums up the democrat party.

  7. try reading about her.

    she named her kids after the towns in alaska.


    'whay fools you people are!

    obama has you so twisted and confused, you cant even find the exit door off his crazy train!

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