
Parakeet Bath?

by  |  earlier

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My parakeet, Buddy, is a year old, and he doesnt look like he trusts me. He smells bad though, and i have a parakeet bath too. Should i give him a bath? And if i do, how?




  1. What i do is put about an inch or two of watter in the sink, I have 4 cockatiels and 4 parikeets i take them over one at a time most like the water  some dont them i have to do like the other person said . i turn the mister on and aim  it obove them letting the watter come down on them .Anyway the ones that like it i let them clean them selfs in the watter

    BUT only watter

  2. i put a shallow bowl with about half an inch of water in their cage or out in a play area, he will deff bath himself if he is in the mood, you can easily tame your bird too :) check out for tips on how to train him   goodluck!

  3. You should either spray him with a plant mister(water of course) or put a bird bath in his cage. For more help, email me! Hope this helps!

  4. You can mist him or give him a shallow bath inside his cage. Sometimes they like to go under a dripping faucet just make sure the drain is shut. A fun way to watch theym bathe is to put a large piece of lettuce the leafy kind on bottom of cage they will sometimes roll around on that. Just make sure when he is out of bath to keep away from all drafts, fans, aircond's and open windows. Do not add anything to bath water just plain warm water is good. Good luck. :)

  5. Try offering him a wide, shallow saucer of water; a regular plate usually has a lip deep enough. If he wants a bath, he'll take one. You don't want to put him in water that comes up higher than his ankles, though, because if he gets his feathers wet he'll get cold. He also may not *want* to take a bath at the time, and having you trying to force him into the water will just make him trust you even less.

    You can also try taking a plant mister (as mentioned above) and spraying it above him so that the mist rains down on him. If he likes it he'll fluff out, hold his wings out, or twist in odd ways to help the water reach different parts of himself. Don't spray directly at him, though.

  6. You should you know.  I know the smell of them. :D

    Ok...  there are a few ways to bathe them:

    1, Spray them with a sprayer. (Those used to spray plants will do)

    2. Let them bathe themselves by giving them a shallow pail of water. They will automatically bathe themselves after a few weeks of trying.

    3. Let it run under a light stream of water. It would love it.

    Mine bathe itself. I take a pail of water and when it goes inside, it spreads its wings and turn its body. Then i will begin the take some water from the pail and splash on it. It enjoys it though. :D
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