
Parakeet Questions?

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I have some questions concerning Parakeets.

1. How long will it take for newly bought parakeets to become domesticated? As in, you let them into the room, and when you go in and out they don't fly out.

2. What kind of seeds can you feed them? Like, are sunflower-seeds ok?

3. This one is kinda stupid, but, what is spray millet?

4. What kind of songs would be ok to let them listen to?

5. What other foods (besides seeds) are ok for parakeets?




  1. 1. It depends where you got your parakeet and how old it is. if you got it from a store like petsmart or anyplace that doesnt individually take care of the birds, then you will have a hard time getting your parakeet to like you. some of the store boght ones are friendly but others end up never becoming socialble.

    But if you got your parakeet from a breeder, it shouldnt take too long. you can let your parakeet fly around on the fifth day (to let it get used to its home first). taking good care of it and cleaning the cage alone will help your parakeet get to know you. whistle, sing, talk, and hum to him too. give him about a month or two, and i bet he'll become really attatched to you.

    2. sunflower seeds are fine, but you want to give them a mix of different seeds (you can find them in almost any pet store).

    3. millet seeds are small little seeds that can be bought on the stem and (most of the time) is the main seed for most bird feed.

    4. Soft, soothing music is best. nothing loud like rock or pop.

    5. small amounts of fruits and vegitables are good for the bird. lettuce, apples, grapes, bannanas, broccili, almost all fruits are ok to gie to birds. but you dont want to give them too much or their droppings will become runny (diarhia).

    hope this helped! =]

  2. 1. it takes sometimes weeks but at times a month

    2.I'm not really sure but i have a canary and when i go shopping for food i see bags of food for parakeets filled with 1 or 2 months supply.

    3.millet spray is brown seeds on a small stem all

    birds uses them.

    4. not to loud but low and soft.

    5.i give my canary fruit and she loves it so they it they can

    eat bagels, small cut apples,and others they find them like treats and if you do not like my advice they sell treats at the store to make sure it is for your type of bird they put the name

    type in the corner

  3. hi

    1. after you have hand tamed them you can let them fly around a room. to hand tame them visit this website


    2. go to your nearest pet store and ask for parakeet food... or budgie food. yes you can feed them sun flower seeds.

    3. millit spray is a treat for your parakeet. you dont have to have it but they love it sooo much. millit spray looks kind of like wheat look at this website to see what they look like

    4. put on a gentle, relaxing song. nothing like rock or pop. classical music is always good.

    5. parakeets can eat the ends off carrots. the part we dont eat. and they love fruit and veggies. not cabbage or eggplant. they love spinach!! they can eat pretty much anything we eat. but nothing with sugar though. they can eat bread... especially whole grain. and crakers...with know flavour.

    hope this helps...

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