
Paranoid about chalk?

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Who carries there own chalk with them wherever they go to play? The primary place I play isn't a pool room, so I have to take all my own stuff there. But I still have my chalk in my case when I do go to a pool hall. Sometimes, the chalk at a hall has a hole bored through the center of it, but that's about the only time I'd pull mine out. Has anyone gotten taken by a hustler who manipulated the chalk?




  1. I always have a few extra cubes of Masters in my case.  Most places I play at always have it handy, but I've walked into a place or two with a fine cube of pioneer gracing the table.  That stuff isn't even good for drawing on the sidewalk... haha

  2. I've got my own table, and I only play casual games elsewhere, so I don't bother. If I were a pro, I'd always use my own. If you have a case, your own chalk is not going to take up much space, and it will be broken-in for your tip, not somebody else's.

    I don't mix money and pool, so hustlers don't bother with me. But I've seen that these artists seldom manipulate anything except the psychology of their opponent.

  3. Gotta have my own Tim I bought it by the case for the bar so i always carry 2 boxes in my case.And yes I do lose some thats why so much.

  4. I always carry my own chalk in my cue case, as well as having a fresh cube in my purse wherever I go, in case I just happen upon a pool game while I'm out and about.

    Before I pull my own chalk out of my case, I check to see if the pool establishment has "Master Blue" (Tweeten) chalk if it's an unfamiliar place, and I see no chalk. I ALWAYS ask the attendant for 2 NEW cubes of chalk. Often times, I'll take a cube home from the hall (if it's Master and fairly new), though I'm always well stocked with chalk. If the place I'm playing in has lousy or ground down chalk, of course I use my own. I don't like getting chalk on my ferrule. I always keep a cube tucked in corner of the hip pocket of my pants, but not buried in my pocket.

    I have been 'taken' by hustlers in my pool ventures, but never have I been taken by a hustler who manipulated the chalk, though I've played countless people who take the chalk away from the table after they shoot. I always have a fresh cube in my pocket, and plenty in my case.

    Yes, I HAVE to have my chalk -----  fresh chalk. Checking my case, or preparing to go out to play pool, ALWAYS involves having fresh chalk.

  5. I carry my own more out of convenience when playing.  I have it in my pocket and can just grab it, chalk up, put it back and shoot and not have to look around on the table to find chalk.

  6. I used to use what the pool hall would supply and noticed that others rather your friend that you came with or when you're playing another opponent DO manipulate the chalk. They hoard it big time. I finally had my own cue made up and bought a box of chalk and would use only mine after that. Now, due to health issues I haven't been in a pool hall in years. I played not too long ago with some friends when we met them at the bowling alley. Had to use the supplied chalk but, they did alright they didn't hoard it. Yep, I noticed that too, they sometimes don't have the correct category that best suits your question. what are you going to do, you have to go with the flow and hope for the best. take care. have a great weekend.  

  7. I usually carry 2 Chalk cubes with me but I only get them out if the place does not have Master Chalk

  8. I've seen people that don't ever use house chalk. I don't really care as long as it serves my purpose. I've played people that will hog the chalk but I will ask them for it. One thing I don't like is when they place the chalk at the pocket I'm shooting. I always try to stay out of my opponent's way so I expect the same courtesy.

  9. If you have your own special cue, then you would only use virgin chalk on it's tip, anything other than that would not make a good contact with the ball!

    You gotta play safe, you know.

  10. It's always a good idea to carry chalk in your case, you never know when you may come across bad chalk or no chalk.
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