
Paranormal Activity in House?

by  |  earlier

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Where can I hire like one of those people on the television shows to come to my house and clear the paranormal activity out?




  1. Woh, That wont work, never will ! also you should have stated the type of Paranormal activity , sometimes it could just be a stomach of your bro or sis going wild like they havent eaten from days ! and then you think, hun devil on high heels !

  2. Most ghost hunting groups are looking for places that have already have a reputation of being haunted. However visit and  see what ghost groups are in your area. Also visits websites like and  contact the area rep for your area.

    The International Ghost Hunter's Society has free articles on their website about ghosts and how to determine if you house is haunted and they have a list of ghost hunters nation wide also.


  3. Look on the net for a local ghost hunting group.

    You should not have to hire them.  They should do it for free.  If you find a group that wants to charge you, look elsewhere.  The good ones do not charge.  Only services that produce concrete and tangible results are worthy of payment.  Paranormal research is too unpredictable for that.

    Make sure they offer a phone # where they can be reached.

    Make sure the investigator offers their first and last name.

    Try to judge by their web site whether or not you would want them in your home.The quality of the material on it should speak volumns about who is behind it.

    Be wary of ghost hunters that dabble in the occult, magic, or offer magical cleansings.  Solid researchers will not employ these methods.

    Ask the group you select if they have any experience investigating private homes.  You do not want to be their first.

    If they show up to your home with more than six people, tell them to forget it.

    They should not be drinking or smoking at any time during the investigation.

    If you do not understand something that they are doing, ask them.  If they can not explain it to your satisfaction, they may not know what they are doing.

    If at any time you become uncomfortable with the investigation, you have the absolute right to call it off.  Remember they are guests in your home and should treat you with respect.

    Follow these simple guidelines and you should have no problem finding a local group to investigate your home.

  4. If you are looking for a paranormal investigator or organization to perform an investigation on your property, try Click on their Ghost Researcher Directory. You can then find an organization within your state with whatever qualifications your require. It is a searchable database and not a static listing like most sites which has broken links.

    If you are still having difficulties finding a group, feel free to message me and I will be glad to get you a decent referal.

  5. go to ghost and get them to help you. you know the TAPS people....

  6. Go to and look for a local ghost hunting group in your area.  Many of them will do professional investigations of your home or at least know someone who will.  Just make sure to contact the organizer of the group directly and not the entire group's mailing list.

  7. Well it depends on if you're looking for someone who is actually from Ghost Hunters (sci-fi channel) or Paranormal State (A&E) or if you just need a group to come and check out your house. Depending on where you live, there is probably a local group not too far away. As for groups from TV- you can contact Jason and Grant from Ghost Hunters at:

            or the Paranormal State team at:

    I hope you find what you're looking for!

  8. Try contacting them through their website.  I am sure they have long waiting lists of potential homes to check out.  Have you considered a local group, not on TV?  If you do a web search for your area, you probably will find several groups nearby.  A word of caution, however; NO ONE can claim to "clear the paranormal activity out."  I'd be very suspicious of anyone who made that claim.  You should not be charged for their investigation, either.

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