
Paranormal State over Hype?

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Is there any one else about to gag on the over hyping of A&E's new show Paranormal State. Everywhere I look I see an add for this show. I sure hope all these web sites are getting paid good for this c**p. It was even in the Sunday paper today, about 10 places. If I see one more add I'm going to puke!




  1. I've only actually seen two previews for it so far, maybe it's an area thing. I do plan on checking it out, though.

  2. Hi,JohnS. (What are we going to do when you take off your Santa hat? (with another John S. avatar over here). Maybe you'll go back to your first picture..that's how I think of you.

    I'm looking forward to Paranormal State. (You shouldn't judge it...before you've seen it.)(Hope you watch it with us!). I always learn a little something from these shows that helps explain some things to me. I do know better than to believe everything they say...but SOME of it might be true. Wait and see.(HAY...Maybe YOU should get on one of these shows!!)lo

    EDIT..Kelly &Kim...All 3 of us talked about "coming out of the closet"...Did you notice that? I wrote it BEFORE I read ya'lls answers. lol

  3. Haven't seen any but probably hype.


  4. I must be living on the dark side of the moon or something, because I have not seen ANY ads!  I might LIKE to see some ads!  

    I guess I don't watch enough TV.   ♥

  5. Yes it is.  I am watching it now to see what they do.....we'll see.

  6. And after all that, the show blowed.  LOL, it was AWFUL.

  7. Get used to it. Everyone is trying to cash in on the next "Ghost Hunters" clone. Travel channel tried with their English yahoos who were afraid of their own shadows and had a nut who could become possessed on cue.

    I think this Paranormal State may be pretty good. I'll let you know tomorrow if I liked it or not.

  8. John we need to be glad that this stuff is finally out of the closet, and as with anything that is finally acceptable it will be out of control for awhile.... but so be it.... it is just another phase.

  9. Nah, it doesn't bug me that much. Fads are like this. We're experiencing a big wave in paranormal fever again and we're probably at the crest now. The entertainment world has to take advantage of this while it lasts.

  10. hi john,

    well i havent heard of it... theres not much here on paranormal.... but i have noticed a HUGE interest in paranormal....funny isnt it, years ago no one talked about it... now its the new phase.....

    have you noticed there is another john s in here, i thought it was you, with your picture changed, but he was new.......

  11. I am interested in watching it, if only to see if it as fake as Most Haunted. I am and will continue to be a HUGE Ghost Hunters fan though. Jason and Grant rock. I hope this new show will be as cool as that one.

  12. I'm boycotting cable,

    I hate it because I don't have it.

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