
Paranormal abilities???????

by Guest61865  |  earlier

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I can see into the future,i'm 14 years old, and my cousin sees and hears ghosts, we want to learn to strengthen our abilities. i have a dream the length of it is random, and months later, the dream will happen. My cousing sees ghosts in his house, he is 13 years old, he hear men talking in his house at night and checks the TV and it's off, and one night he saw a man in his living room and he described his dead grandpa that he has never even seen.




  1. Just stay in this section and also go to Resolved Questions and read all you can about everything anyone has said (even the skeptics.) Maybe you can find some answers there. Don't go telling a lot of people about this (except on here) .Most of them won't believe you and think you've "lost it". Could give you problems. A lot of things are happening to a lot of people..even kids your age. Try to learn as much as you can. Don't go experimenting too much till you learn more.Good Luck.

  2. I think there are classes or schools that have lessons.

  3. sounds like you guys have some very active imaginations. Unfortunatly some people are more imaginative than others, and I dont think there is a way to improve that. However, you can harness it by writing stories, drawing pictures and such.

    As far a psychic abilities and ghosts, nobody has been able to demonstate that either even exist. Therefore its not likely that you are actually psychic. You are simply justifying your dreams to fit the situations.

    You cousin is probably prone to hypnogogic hallucinations, that is hallucinations associated with falling asleep.

  4. whatever you do..DO not mess with a uijia board...i want to use one so bad, but i have enough sence not to...i would be carefull when trying to build this whatever you have...if you have no fear and your family means nothing to you or your friends..go ahead and play with it..and if your really lucky you might get possesed..there goes your higher power you are searching for...just leav it how it is dont mess with it..if its meant to go higher than it will..dont force it to got it...

    -I cannot write intellectually-...get it?

  5. I have smiler abilities to your cousin but I can also sense & release my chakra & use it to heal & attack.

    The best way to increase your riatsue (spirit pressure) is to meditate. Good luck

  6. I bet with further controlled study you would notice you aren't really seeing the future.  If you are you would be the first.  Chances are your youth and zeal have influenced your objectivity.

  7. you think you can see into the future but trust me you are 14 you haven't got a clue as to what the future holds for you, just be patient. stay away from regular coffee just try decaff and study in school. The world is coming at you fast and furious and all you have to do is be aware.

  8. Well, first you need to recognize the difference between overreaction and actual perception.  They are sometimes hard to distinguish, but it will help you a great deal.  Start from there and work your way forward.

    Feel free to im or email me anytime

    Blessed be

  9. Keep an open mind.There may may be a non paranormal explanation.It's not unusual for young folks to misinterpret perfectly normal events.It's not unusual for older folks apparently,either.

  10. There is a site you can go to like My Space,only it's all paranormal.You can set up your own page and there is a place to blog or a open form.It's called I Am Haunted.There are people there that will have the answers for you.They are very friendly and willing to help.Here is a link....

  11. wow, that is so genius and breathe taking.

  12. Actually, young teenagers who are going to be overly intuitive develop it about that time...  Don't feel like such a freak though, you'd be surprised to know that everybody has psychic ability to some extent.  It's just a matter of paying attention to what you are feeling.  It's like singing...... everybody can sing, of course.... some people really suck at it, and others do it beautifully.  Still, for now at least I'd be careful about broadcasting it.  I've never told my mother...  Be careful too... the things just beyond what you can see with your own eyes...some of them are beautiful, some are scary... some will try to help you, and some will try to deceive you... You have to learn to tell the difference.

  13. I'd say you guys have psychic abilities; I've experienced the same kind of things as you guys.  I even see and hear from dead people I don't even know and even dead animals visit me too.





  14. Let's start with you. I have included a link to online psi games/test for you.

    I have also listed 2 links below for you to be able to record your predictions so you will have evidence that you predicted them before they happened.

    Try these out and lets us know (no one ever lets us know)

    if you improve.

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