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I know I can read auras

And Have seen ghosts...

But what's this?!?

Today I was talking with my cousin who lives states away and I havent seen her in years. I have never even seen her house or her room.

We were talking and out of the blue I smelled a musty, attic like homey smell that was like a house or room I have never been in, I felt compelled to ask her about the smell and she told me she had the attic room.

Can anybody tell me what that is?

It's happening more and more, either I see somthing and it happens or is true smell or hear, even feel somthing such as rain....




  1. Talking with your cousin probably triggered memories of your cousin's house including the memories you have of the smells of the house. The sense of smell tends to produce strong memories (see link).

  2. I gave the following answer to another question that applies to you:

    It is an individual thing. Smells can accompany a "vision".

    The vision is more often than not described like this:

    It is seeing with unseeing eyes, hearing with unhearing ears, feeling with something like intuition. You learn to trust what you see, hear, feel, smell. There is a type of development of the senses that is beyond what most people experience.

    Also, it can be described as remembering the past, present, and future. It can be done by people with these gifts. I must say that they are rare gifts a human can posses and there are many fakes out there.

    If you are interested in developing these abilities know that they are gifts. They can be developed if the basis is there to begin with but will not develop if potential does not exist. It would be like trying to become a genius with an IQ of 75, it's not gonna happen.

    So, also know that these people are indeed out there. Most are smart, and keep quiet about it.

    If it is your desire and you have the foundation, it will be. Be patient and see what comes your way. Look deep inside of yourself in the most quiet places when you are alone and see what you find there. Question who you really are and what your purpose for goodness is on this planet. What can you do to truly uplift and help others?

    It's not about how much you have in the bank, how big your mansion is, what clothes or jewelry you wear; it is about how you treat others and what help you bring to those less fortunate than yourself. That's where you will find your answers. All of them.

  3. sure.

    Human being have a lot more than the normal five sences.

    Some have the ability to smell fragrances like you did; but I do not know what it is called,

    Then there are three other sences clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairvoyance.

    These four higher sences fit under the umbrellas psychic, or ESP.

  4. I can tell you what I believe, from my experience, but you will probably ignore it, and think I am crazy.

    Demons can jump from place to place, and when they do they can carry smells with them.

    According to the Bible, people gain paranormal abilities through demonic possession. People who do miracles in Gods name are not under the impression that they are doing anything, except asking God to do things. People possessed by demons believe they have thier own super powers that noone else has.

  5. If you see auras you are probably more in tuned with other dimensions than most people and this is another part of it. I think the more open to it you are, the more it will happen.


  7. Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP) is the apparent ability to acquire information by paranormal means independent of any known physical senses or deduction from previous experience. The term was coined by Duke University researcher J. B. Rhine to denote psychic abilities such as telepathy, precognition and clairvoyance.[1][2] ESP is also sometimes casually referred to as a sixth sense. The term implies sources of information currently unexplained by science.

    Skeptics say the phenomena of ESP does not really exist, but merely seems to exist as a result such things as self-delusion, or of magician's techniques such as cold reading and hot reading.

  8. I also, sometimes, pick-up that heavy musk. The last time it occurred a man from the 1800s walked through my apartment and disappeared, very bizarre.

    It means you are very intutitive.  

    Enjoy it, happens to me.  

    I laugh and say, okay, but, give me the winning lotto numbers.

    If you want to make money with it go to and work as a Reader, you get paid.


  10. Hippie Body Odor?
You're reading: Paranormal...abilitys?

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