
Paranormal investigators? glasgow, scotland?

by  |  earlier

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i work with a team of paranormal investigators, a show for mainstream television. we have heard of the story of a sinister woman who haunts a house in blythswood square, glasgow scotland, and who drowned her lover in the bath. could someone supply the exact address of this supposed haunting, we dont have any record of the exact house it was said to have occured in. thank you.




  1. I went to those links that Peter D . gave. It was interesting.

    PD....That was SO NICE  of you to do that! There may be hope for you yet!!!!!

  2. There is nooo such thing as ghosts goblins  spirits etc its  just your imagination  so why spend  hours sitting in a cold building somewhere waiting for a non existant  nothing to appear.

  3. And YOU are an "Investigator"???

  4. try living in wigan something wierd happens hear evreyday

  5. The only listing I could find lists it as a private house.

  6. There's an extremely sinister woman who lurkes around my house at times.

    But what can I do?

    Bloody mother-in-law!

  7. Its the haunted bath house near Blythswood square, dont know the exact address but you could check out the local land registry docs.

  8. If you work for a television show like you say you do why an earth are you on here asking people for information!People who work on tv as numerous ways to conduct research and can literally get access to everything thats one of the big advantages of working in tv!Why don't you start by going to the libraries,looking at recods,newspaper clippings,books etc,then try walking around and speaking to the people,ask in various pubs,shops etc or you could put a request for information in a local paper.That's how you should do proper research.

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