
Paranormal stuff????

by Guest62340  |  earlier

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With Halloween fast approaching, I was wondering if you believe in the paranormal. Why or why not?




  1. Yes, I believe that no one knows everything though.  We don't know how the world began and who created what because we weren't there.  We can't put limits on things that we can't and don't know.  However we are not just our powers.  We cant know everything and we can't hear and see everything.  We don't have the whole picture...

  2. yes

    because it IS real in so MANY different areas

  3. yes i believe, and not because of halloween, cause we dont have halloween here...but ive had quite a few experiences mostly with passed over spirits, and angels, and a couple of times with demons....

  4. I do. I had a dream about a friend of mine I lost touch w/ & in the dream his face was messed up. So when I woke up I looked his name up online & came across his obit & a newstory that he died in a car crash. Can't get much more paranormal then that.

  5. Yes...but before it happened to me, I thought it was funny & fun...but real experiences can sometimes be terrifying.  I'd like to go back to the days when I thought it was funny...when I didn't have any "proof".

  6. Yes, because of my personal experiences.  Halloween has nothing to do with it ...

  7. Yes I believe in it, just because I also believe in other dimensions and when we get a glimpse of higher dimensional being and/or phenomena, is what we think is supernatural (even when is is normal compared to them, it's relative).

  8. Yes

    But I also believe that there is a solid scientific explanation for 99.9999% of everything seen as paranormal

  9. I believe in the paranormal because I can see ghosts, sense other spirits and release my chi flow as an offense or defense

  10. what part of paranormal? anything in particular? there is a lot of different stuff included in whats known as the Paranormal.

  11. No, Seeing is believing, and I haven't seen nothing!

  12. Yup... I can't explain why... I just do and I'm really interested in it. I'm always watching things on tv that deal with the paranormal.

  13. Yes, but not because Halloween is approaching.

    I basically was raised hearing about paranormal things happening to my aunts, friends, etc. So when you believe in stuff, you start being aware of things that a non-believer would just pawn off as a rat or the wind. But pictures on my wall have been tilted, every day. Not just a slight tilt either, but to the extent of where the nail holding it up is twisted/bent. Not to mention weird smells of cigars, (my grandfather passed away and his house smelled like there was always atleast 4 people smoking cigars in it.) well anyway, ever since he died people have complained in my house of smelling cigars and beer.

  14. No, but with advanced technology in ultrasound communications and non-visible lasers there are corporate security agents using those devices covertly against American citizens.

    It is not paranormal, it is the unethical use of science, which is sorcery according to what I understand of the Bible, and those people are headed to the Lake of Fire that burns forever and ever. (These people however are ruled by demonic spirts, whether they carry a Bible or attend church or not.)Amen!

  15. Halloween related paranormal stuff ,well i don't think i can "believe in paranormal stuff"

  16. I believe there is something just outside of our perception. But as to what it is who knows.

  17. yes because of all the shows i watch they are friken scary and who would make stuff up like that??mean people??

  18. no..... kids games

  19. I believe that all halloween myths are exactly that - myths.

    To be succinct, ghosts and other paranormal phenomena are not possible, are not real and cannot be demonstrated.

    (Was that too harsh?)

  20. Fortunately or unfortunately my belief has nothing to do with Halloween. I don't generally believe in anything I've not experienced first hand. I'm a practicing shamanist so what most people consider paranormal, I pretty much consider everyday. I'm not a proponent of UFO's at least not so far as beings from other planets coming to visit. But we've barely scratched the surface of what there is to know about our own planet. I don't see why people would reach for the explanation of aliens without considering other possibilities. Ghosts, yes, I see them almost daily.

  21. Yes because more often than not, my dreams comes true.

  22. It's hard not to believe in it. It just depends on how MUCH of the paranormal you believe in.

    I believe in ghosts, but I really don't believe in witches. There is probably some sort of telekinesis or something, but spells just seems farfetched to me.

    But since life is energy, it can't just go away. It's safe to say that ghosts really exist.

  23. I don't disbelieve, I like to hedge my bets.

  24. Yes, I do. Millions of people can't be wrong. There have been several TV shows on it, and a bunch of reports. I've even had an encounter. Yes, I believe.

  25. I am of the opinion that the existence of a phenomenon should be supported either by reason or else a body of evidence.  "Paranormal stuff" are by definition those things that have no normal evidence, so I am comfortable assuming they do not exist until I have some reason or evidence at hand to suggest to me that they do.

  26. yea i do. sometimes my dreams come true or if im spacin out durin class, whatever i was spacin about usaually cums true. ive also experienced lots of deja vu.

  27. Trust me.  Good and evil spirits are out there.  It is best to just leave them be..
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