
Paranormal videos?

by Guest33951  |  earlier

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Let's say I captured a paranormal video with unexplainable whatever and I wanted you guys to look at it. I'd send it to you via e-mail, but the file is too large so then I'd upload it to YouTube and give you the link. My question is, why do people on here in this section bash YouTube videos? I see people post paranormal videos and people are all like "oh youtube, must be fake." Why do you just assume?


I'm making a paranormal video tonight because the door across from my room keeps opening on it's own and it's near no vents or anything, and the hinges are securely fastened so I don't know why it's doing that. Thought I'd film it. Camcorder's pretty old. It still uses the mini dv tapes lol.




  1. I don't think it's wise to discredit all You Tube videos.  At the same time, there are thousands of fake videos out there.  This is especially the case when it comes to things concerning the paranormal.

    Videotaping a door opening does nothing for me.  Neither do doors that move on their hinges.  There are several things that can cause a door to appear to open by itself and it is easy to find the cause.

    If you want to post an interesting video, videotape the door opening by itself and then show how you discover the natural cause.

  2. I think it's good for you to do this for your own peace of mind. Forget the other people. Or are you "hoping" something will happen? (You don't want to hope for that!) (esp. not in your bedroom). Doesn't your door have a latch on it..or close securely where you'd have to turn the k**b? If the k**b is closed securely ...then I would wonder too why it's opening. But if it doesn't close good ...then it's probably something else. If you think a spirit or someone is trying to get it...put something in front of the door..even maybe a small table with bells or something that will make a noise if the door opens. That way you'll wake up if it really opens. You can take a video of this...but everybody else will believe that there was someone on the other side of the door that you knew about (or didn't know about ) opening the door. (like your brother or sister)(or dog) There's just no way you can prove it to others. Sorry.

  3. Just because every one up to now has been fake.Yours may not be.Make a video and post it.Light it up as much as possible and get all the angles you can.If you can get shots from both sides of the door,do it.Don't add any spooky music or frightened commentary.Let the video stand or fall on it's own.

  4. Videos on YouTube are not reviewed by experts, therefore any wrong idea can show up.

    Did you consider that wind outside might generate a pressure gradient between two sides of your house, and leaks through windows/doors could allow the door to see this pressure gradient and be pushed open accordingly?

    "I don't know" doesn't mean "a ghost did it", it just means you haven't done enough research.

  5. My guess is the door is opening and closing due to changing airpressure. This is the case all over my house.

    Its my understanding that ghosts can walk through walls and don't need to open and close doors.

    edit: also, most youtube paranormal videos are either pretty obvious fakes, or videos of something non-paranormal. The source of the video is unknown (even if they state it, they could be lying) and therefore, its easier to assume its a fake than to do laborious investigation only to find out that it was part of joke, prank, or something else.

    For example, there is one polterguiest video ive seen posted here a dozen times. The most recent post I saw showed more of the video. In the video, they show the person dropping the camera. In other words, the video is meant to be a POV shot, not from the actual camera. This indicated that the video being shown as proof of poltergeists was actually an edited peice intended to be a fictional video.

    I have seen several other fictional peices being displayed on youtube as evidence of paranormal also.
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