
Parent problem helpp?

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ok im 14 and i just started high school so im haveing alota trouble adjusting to my schedual and getting up early wich means ive been tired alot wich means im kinda in a crapy mood i just dont notice it

on top of that i dont know anybody at that school so i feel so alone

usually me and my parents get along but my dad is always joking around with me and it can get old somtimes and i just feel like whenever he comes home from work he always tells me ive done sompthing wrong or i need to clean sompthing its really upsetting

today i unhooked his computer and hooked up my moms because his wasnt working my dad doesnt care if i go on myspace and stuff if its my moms and i figured my mom wouldnt care either scince she has her own laptop

so my dad came in my room when me and my mom went to target and called my mom and told her i unpluged his computer to go on myspace wich wasnt the reason i went on, but i did. my mom starts yelling at me in the car about that and how i left my fan on because it costs money i feel like no matter what i do i always get yelled at for sompthing and even thogh it sounds pathetic i dont have anyone else but my parents so it hurts more

so is it jus me or what i dont know what to do

and sorry its so long but thank you so much for reading




  1. awww... I'm sorry. I know exactly what youre going through. seriously. but, try talking to them. And if they're like my parents- going to interupt every two seconds and not let you talk- write them a letter on how you feel, and how you don't like the way they treat you. it's helped with me.

  2. Sounds like you aren't paying enough attention to other peoples needs. Imagine if they used your stuff like you use theirs. Leaving stuff on is expensive, your parents are paying a lot more for fuel and food, so they are under some stress you can't relate to yet.

    Parents cannot read your mind (regarding computer) so tell them what you want to do to THEIR stuff before you do it.

    Get more sleep, you will need it.

    If Dad is being to childish to you, let him know that you are growing up and don't appreciate that humor any more.

  3. Aw, im sorry.  That happens with me sometimes, like anything i do i get yelled at, and it feels like they almost try to find a reason to be mad at you.  For me my dad and bro are the most annoying =/.  like today i was making a dessert and my little 5 yr old bro kept asking if he could dip his finger in the mixing bowl, and i was kaden..and he kept asking and i kept saying no, then my dad was like "Brianna just let him eat some of it!" and im like no dad im like in the middle of making a dessert..and hes like well u didnt buy it with your money did u, no its my money (me and my mom previously went shopping like an hour ago lol) and im like...fine. and hes like stop being bossy and always bossing him around u arent his parent i am..and my little bro says yeah brianna obey your father, and im like but he can boss me around!?!?!?  see my life makes no sence...

    lol but at the end of the day i saw that he was right, and that i should just listen and not "BACK TALK" him.  with parents if u just listen to them and "obey" then and hold your tongue they seem to respect u more.  my dad is also the jokinmg around type, but sometimes he laughs at stuff but he is really not happy so its hard to tell what he is mad at.

    im a christian and my parents dont let me listen to regular music, and i dont shop for clothes that often, and i cantdo a lot of things other ppl do, but i live with it and learn from it and if i look back at what happened and really think about it, i see that i was wrong and even if somone else is being wrong to u are responsible for yourself so let them act wrong and be right yourself.

    hope i could help a little :)


    p.s. im in 8th
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