
Parent problems?

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okay, so i love my parents, but i think they overprotect me. im not allowed to watch certain movies that have "inappropriate" stuff, not allowed to date, not allowed to talk to boys, even as friends, not allowed to use msn, my email account has parental controls, not allowed to know about s*x and not allowed to do things with my friends or myself. waht can i do?




  1. Oh my, that is overprotective.

    Tell them that you're not a baby anymore and you have enough common sense to look after yourself. Tell them it's really not necessary and by not letting you do and see all these things it's eventually going to make you worse. Often if parents smother their children as soon as they leave and discover life outside there parents four walls, they go crazy. They try to do everything you do in your teenage years in the space of a few months. Not a good plan.

    So, tell them. Tell them that you know what's good, what's bad, what to avoid, what to enjoy.

    Good luck!

  2. i would sit down and talk to them..

    i had a lot of those same problems.

    but ask them, why can't you trust me?

    what have i done to lose your trust?

    make agreements about what you can and can't do.

    **good luck and i hope this helps =)

  3. they do this because THEY LOVE AND CHERISH YOU!  

    you have plenty of time for all these things in a few years.  get a hobby or volunteer or something to keep yourself busy.

    one thing though is that you should definitely be educated about s*x.  i mean, how babies are made and the develpment of babies in the womb and the proper use of birth control.  you need to learn about birth control so that you dont get pregnant at a young age.  study this subject very carefully in your spare time and inform your friends please.
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