
Parental Rights Question?

by  |  earlier

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If a man finds out he is the biological father to a woman's child, does signing away his parental rights effectively absolve him of all obligation (financially)??

And if that's true why aren't more men who don't want to be fathers doing it? Is it out of not knowing the options exists? Is it they want their child but not the responsibility?

Bring on all opinions...




  1. I'm not really sure. I think the state still mandates that they pay child-support, But signing over his parent rights (or paternal rights) of his child only means that he has no say in the child's life. Example if the child is on his/her death bed he can't authorize the pulling of the plug, or if there is a dispute over custody after the death or disablement of the mother, he no longer has rights to step in and assume the duties as parent. But I don't think it gives him a 'get out of jail free card' for child support.

  2. Men have obligation and responsibilities. Women have the right to kill.

  3. If a man volunteers to sign over parental rights he is often only signing over his rights, not his responsibilities. Child support can still be collected, especially back child support.  If it is consensual between both parties(mother and father) the courts have an option of continuing to enforce child support as per the best interest of the child. The only way complete absolution of responsibilities is guaranteed is if the child is legally adopted.


    Depends upon the court...however if he signs of his parental rights and the child is adopted.  He has no future child support payments, though he may still be liable for back payments.

    the child can not be adopted by another man unless he signs over these rights.

  5. If he conceived a child with a woman then he must pay his court-ordered child support.  This can't be "signed away".  The taxpayers won't pay his share; that is his responsibility.

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