
Parental involvement?

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im doing a debate. should or should not parents be interefering with their kidss enducation and decisions.

im doing: yes. they should. but i just cant seem to find any good reasons why...

so. help?

like. what are the effects if the paretns have helped.

WHY should the parents be interefering.??


opinions, facts, wesites would all help. thx!!




  1. I think your perspective is all wrong. Interfering is not the approach; Interfering has to do with stopping ill-made decisions of youth. Youth have very little say in getting an education; this is imposed by law. It is parents role to ASSIST and encourage in that education, wanting to assure a decent life for their child post high school. Such assistance should not be considered INTERFERENCE.

    A juvenile may consider it parental interference if the parent says that the child may not participate in some extra-curricular activity because they deem it in the child's best interest, or the activity is too distracting. This is parental CONTROL, not interference. If mom breaks you and your bf up, that's interference!

  2. Parents should be involved in their child's education, not just for making sure the child is doing their best but also to show the child that they care about them and want to know how the child is doing.

  3. My Opinion: I think parents should have a say in their child decisions, but they should also support their child.

    Kids should be able to choose, well its because their life, its their decisions and they are the ones that have to deal with either home schooling or going to public schools.

    I think Parents should not make the decision, but should give supportive and also critism to what may happen to what they choose.

    Such as going to a public school:: their child would have to take buses/waking up earlier and going to school on time/be in a class with 30+ students/ etc..

    And as they should go homeschooling give facts such as how there may not be a much social things at home/ how there will be more direct attention/ but as also that there will be more breaks/ set up own hours/must still give the same effort as going to public school/etc..

  4. Well, I'm assuming you're talking about elementary, middle school, and high school?  If so, then the word "interfering" is incorrect.  Parent involvement is one of the best predictors of whether a child is going to do well in school or not.  So, it's important that parents not only know what's going on education wise for their kid, but they acknowledge the good work their kid is doing.

  5. It doesn't matter what a child is doing, the parents should always be involved and have a say so. (If they are good parents, anyway)

  6. Yes Parents should be able to interfere, afterall it is the Parents raising the Kids not the School, the job of the School is to Educate not Indoctrinate, the job of Indoctrinating belongs to the Parents.

    When I am a Parent, I will raise my kids on Christian principles and if the Public Schools don't like it, that's too bad, it's my God given right and responsibility as a Parent to raise my future kids the right way.

  7. Interfere??  It's the parent's RESPONSIBILITY to ensure their child gets a good education.  

    Maybe it should be questioned as Should or should not the STATE be interfering with kids' education and decisions.

    The entire point of raising children is to TEACH them and raise them with morals and help mold their decision making.  It is my RIGHT to teach my children.  It is not INTERFERING.  

    I can give my children a better education than the state public school.  I can taylor their education to fit their needs, and the needs of our family.  I can very easily take their learning styles into consideration when I am teaching them.

  8. -parents have more experience, so they know more about what would happen if lets say, you spent all your money on junk food or something

    -education-parents already went through grade 8 or whatever, so they've already learned it

    -they're like a second opinion (the first opinion is your's)

    -so long they're not doing your homework, help in education is okay

    -more ideas

    -ask your parents why its a good idea for parents to interfere (they'll probably have lots of suggestions :))

  9. Yes, they should!!

    Here are some websites that I found helpful!

    Good Luck!

  10. why it is what we parents do best keeping our kids safe till they know better

  11. he;ping with homework is fine...also counselors can be consulted by the kids too..

  12. This is the homeschooling section where parents are not interfering in their children's education, but are DECIDING it.

    Btw, what level of education are you talking? Elementary? High school? College? What types of 'interference' are you talking about?

  13. It's not technically the school's job to make sure my child receives an's mine, as his parent.  The school, should I choose to utilize it, is a supplement to his education.  The responsibility is still mine.

    It is a parent's job to teach a child how to make choices by both modeling the process and making the choices for the child until they are old enough (and responsible enough) to do so for themselves.  

    It is the parent's job to be an advocate for their child's needs, whether that means volunteering in a classroom, helping with homework, stepping into a harmful situation, or homeschooling them.  Each child is different, and has different needs; no matter how dedicated and qualified a classroom teacher is, they cannot be responsible for meeting every one of those needs.  A parent's job is to "interfere" whenever necessary to make sure their child receives what they need.

    There will even be times when a parent and child disagree over a decision or educational choice; in this case, it is the parent's job to suck it up and do what is best for their child, even if the child doesn't agree.  It's not my job to be my son's best friend; it's my job to be his mother.

    When my son was in school, I was very involved, both in his classroom and in his homework and extra activities.  Now that we homeschool, I'm actively involved in teaching him daily, extra activities like Scouts and AWANA, his sports, and his dealings with his friends.  It's my job to guide him, to teach him, to encourage him, and to restrict him when necessary.  He looks to me for these things, and I'm not about to let him down.

  14. Parents should be involved in their children's educations because for thousands of years of human history it has been their job to raise and teach their children.  Regardless of whether the children go to Public school , Private School, or are homeschooled, the parents should be involved.  Their are a lot of studies that show that children who have involved parents do better.

    However, I don't think you are using the correct word, you are asking if parents should "interfere" with their children's education.  Usually when someone uses that word they mean that something is being done to hinder something else.  To stop it from happening.  Of course parents shouldn't INTERFERE with their children's education, and most of us don't want to INTERFERE with it anyway.  Most of us want to encourage it and help it along.  On occasion when a parent is accused of interfering with the child's education it is usually because there is difference of opinion about what is important to learn.  In that case I believe the parent has the right to make the decision, as long as the child is getting the basic skills of reading, writing, and math.

  15. It is extremely important that parents be involved in their children's education. Not only will it let the child know their parents care about them, but it will also ensure the children are learning at an appropriate pace. Not to mention how much a parent can help a child learn by knowing the child better than the teacher would. For example, if the child is having difficulty with a certain theory, the parent can help explain or even demonstrate the theory in a way the child is more likely to understand than a broad explanation provided by a teacher.

  16. The reason why they have schools in the first instance is to standardize education to a level whereby people can manage by themselves within society.

    Parents in most cases have already learnt this but this doen't always make them good teachers. This is why they have trained professionals to do this.

  17. Interference- the act on an instant of hindrance obstruction or impedance.

    Never should a parent interfere with education. Now if you mean to be involved that's different. Involved is work with the kids. Home school is involving the parents in all aspects of the child's education as long as the parents are actually teaching. You would be interfering if you chose to home school and then provided absolutely no material to instruct. That would be irresponsible as well. Under no circumstance should a parent interfere with education. We as parents should in my opinion interfere in other areas like dating alone or drug use.
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