
Parents: Would you?

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Say your underage teenager(-21) drank so much they had a hangover the next day.

Your punishment was they had to get up early and you made them go do things anyways. Plus you added a little extra to go do.

I've heard this punishment done before.

But what if your teen started crying because they felt so sick?

Like genuinly crying because they physically felt horrible from the hangover?

Would you break in your punishment and take them home?


Would you make them stay out till you were done with everything and it was time to go home?

This isn't about me, it was something I was just thinking about.

Im a teen anyways, not a parent.




  1. I wouldn't care if they were crying because they felt sick, I'd make them do it anyway, and then I would take them to the police station to charge them with an MIP (Minor In Possession).

  2. yes i would make them do all that  work they shouldn't be drinking in the first place

    even when you drink to much you still have responsibilities

  3. I wouldn't use that as a punishment anyways, but in that situation I would continue to carry out the punishment. Being a good parents means being consistent. Would you take a child out of a time out just because they are crying and upset?

    EDIT: Doesn't matter if the teenager is physically sick. The apparently are responsible enough to drink, so they are responsible enough to deal with the consequence IE: hangover

  4. I would go on as usual. They shouldn't have been out drinking. When we got home they could lay down for 15-20mins (calm their head, stomach) because I am not completely heartless but afterwards back up they would go.

  5. Yeah, they shouldn't be drinking.

  6. I don't know of anyone who ever died of a hangover - I guess they'd learn to either not drink anymore - or be more careful about not getting caught. I like the idea!!

  7. well in my country you can drink at 18. I would not punish my teenager though. Than they will just hide and drink. I would much rather they are honest with me and that I let them experiment and come to me with questions, or call me for a ride if they are drunk. If you punish the kids, than he or she will try to hide it and drive home drunk.

  8. I won't give my child punishment that are so impossible. Even my husband can't get up early if he has a hang over. Personally my punishment to them is additional work load for the week and no extra allowance so that they won't have extra money to hang out. But if your already in the situation I would break my punishment I really see my child suffering from pain and he already said sorry and learn his lesson. Sometimes we have to break a rule.

  9. Why show the kid mercy? They had no business drinking. We would go about our day as usual. If my child wanted to act like a grown up and drink, they'd have to act like a grown up the next day and deal with the consequences.

    If you take pity on them, they'll learn that you won't back up your word. One day of having to deal with running errands or whatever with a headache and sick stomach should make them think twice about drinking again.

  10. I would make them stick it out! Unless they were so sick it could be dehydration, if I did not suspect that then too bad, they will think twice before doing it again.
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