
Parents are being irrational!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so i turned 16 approximatley 3 weeks ago, they FINALLY allowed me to get my license that day. I want a car, and i've taken the proper steps to getting one. I have $3800 saved up, i've applied for jobs (with no success, they didn't call me back) and i took the weekend driver's ed class at school to lower the insurance rate (here you get 10% off your insurance for taking it) & i have good grades that lowers the rate another 10%. Now my family is pretty wealthy (not trying to brag) so getting a car isn't a money issue, and at the end of my driver's class my instructor said i was a very good driver. When i took my test a few weeks ago (keep in mind i could've taken the test 6 months before i did, but they wouldn't let me) i got a PERFECT SCORE, so therefore what is so wrong with me getting a car? Keep in mind pretty much every kid in my class (and i mean this literally) has a car, so why aren't i dubbed responisible enough to have one? Am i being absurd here, or are they?




  1. I guess your parents are a little more strict. I wish my parents were more strict when I was 16. Just remember your time will come.

  2. You seem VERY responsible and ready to have a car, so you may want to ask your parents why they will not allow you car.  You should try applying for another job to pay for gas, and keep in mind if your parents still do not allow, it's not because they don't trust you. They're afraid of letting you go, imagine having a kid. Wouldn't you be scared if he/she went driving?  Just tell them everything you just told us, and they might give in.

  3. Not trying to be a smart-alec here, but only your parents know the answer to this question.  Ask them.

  4. They may be waiting for you to actually get a job so you can pay for your own gas in the car and your part of the car insurance.   I would just ask them why they won't let you get a car now

  5. Well insurence can be a cause since you are young even if you took a class and  get good grades. Maybe you need to prove you cna be tursted. talk to them ask them why you can not have one and don;t use teh everyone else does excuse it won't help. I am sure they have a good reason

  6. Its not your responsibility, its their comfort level. As mean as it sounds, they might not be ready to deal with you driving, worry about you on the road, or are scared of that phone call that says their child arrived at the hospital DOA. Its not fair to you, but driving is a huge deal. Instead of fussing, try to sit down with them and see what their reasoning is. You might not agree, but it will help you understand "why".

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