My mom is divorcing my dad and they have only gone through the prelimenary hearing to decide the temporary settelment amount. My mom squating on the house and my dad is staying with me. Now, my mom won't allow my dad to come get is things without a police officer, she got a restraing order and says it is to protect her from my dad because he went into an angry rage when she gave him the papers (which is not true, she filed that claim before he even knew about the divorce and he was served at work 2 weeks after the claim was made) and my mom had my dad come over unescorted to fix the a/c unit. And now is asking him to fix things on her car (in her name) and pay for the parts....and she feels no need for an officer for that, but he still can't come get his things without one.
Is something wrong with this? Can this be mentioned in court to help my dad out? My mom is trying to make him out to be abusive and violent and that isn't she is scared of him, but he has never hit her. Anyone know anything?