
Parents going through divorce?

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My mom is divorcing my dad and they have only gone through the prelimenary hearing to decide the temporary settelment amount. My mom squating on the house and my dad is staying with me. Now, my mom won't allow my dad to come get is things without a police officer, she got a restraing order and says it is to protect her from my dad because he went into an angry rage when she gave him the papers (which is not true, she filed that claim before he even knew about the divorce and he was served at work 2 weeks after the claim was made) and my mom had my dad come over unescorted to fix the a/c unit. And now is asking him to fix things on her car (in her name) and pay for the parts....and she feels no need for an officer for that, but he still can't come get his things without one.

Is something wrong with this? Can this be mentioned in court to help my dad out? My mom is trying to make him out to be abusive and violent and that isn't she is scared of him, but he has never hit her. Anyone know anything?




  1. yes. i had an ex husband. he would  never ever hit me..... in front of the children. but when they were alseep or away - god help me. so if u never saw him hitting your mom it doesn't mean he never did

  2. If she has a restraining order, he should NOT go near her. She could ask him to come and then use the fact that he came against him in Court. Trust me, I've seen it done. He should tell her that, as long as the restraining order is in effect, he can't come there without a police escort.

  3. It's apparent that if your mom is comfortable with your dad working on her car without a police officer their then she is not afraid of him.  You should mention this in court, if your dad has never been abusive towards her the court should know the truth.

  4. Honey, sometimes the kids don't know everything that goes on within the marriage. I'm not saying your dad was abusive but why would your Mom lie about such a thing?

  5. I don't know why everyone is second guessing what you're saying.  Women like your mom DO exist - I've known them!

    Part of the problem here, though, is that you're just a kid (I assume).  It's your Dad who needs to straighten things out.  For example, if he got served on a bogus claim, he needs to take this up with his attorney.  She can get in a lot of trouble for lying to a court, or the law.  But he's the only one who can fix this.

    You don't mention siblings or your age, but somebody needs to step up to the plate for you.  Your mom won't (and probably can't).  Have a sit down with your Dad and be loving but very firm.  He needs to get this resolved for your peace of mind.

    And if that doesn't work, then you have every right to seek out a different trusted adult (can be neighbor, family member, friend of parent -- whoever you trust the most and can be honest with) -- and spill it all.  You need someone to talk to.

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