
Parents opinion.. and help?

by  |  earlier

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hey there =]

okie this is my problem

im 15 years old.

and i want snakebites.

my mom and dad let me get

my tragus pierced like 3 years ago..

ehh but that dont matter..

i dont understand why they wont let me

its a little hole.. if i decide i dont want them they will grow up?

and my friends have had them and they didnt leave scar's?

im a pretty good kid i make decent grades and i dont rly get in trouble.

and its not like im asking for a tattoo.. even tho i do want one..

but a piercing will grow up?

and its not like its going to kill sumone jeeze

i just dont understand =[

is there any way i could convince them to let me get snakebites?




  1. look what they do to ur mouth, theres so many risks besides teh VERY high risk of infection like any other oral piercing, the most common and simple ones are: tooth wearing, tooth chipping, gum recession, jaw bone erosion, tooth abrasion, tooth drift, tooth decay, etc.

    (you can loose teeth from some of those)

    id show you pictures but when i post links they dont always work.

    so you can decide according to that i guess, i do love how they look, but just think of youe health before looks and i would recommend to research the other risks as well.

    also im not sure if you care or not, but just know that you cant get jobs as well with them, some jobs dont allow them, and if you decide to take it out there will be a scar there.

    also even just from having a tongue frenulum piercing i got TERRIBLE gum recession in just a week and it HURTS and looks bad, and teeth can fall out if it gets worse.

  2. i am a strong supporter of individual rights. as long as u kno that its prolly just a phase and know that u r way more likely to get an infection. U need to convince ur parents that ur old enough to make ur own descision. research the precedure and risks involved. then show them how ur going to minimize them. Prove to ur parents that this is wut u want and ur not just getting it b/c ur friends are. gud luck

  3. When you are 18 you can do it, if you still want and you can pay for the dental repairs too.  I went to the dentist last week and found out one of my teeth is cracked and needed a filling.  Friday night while I was eating dinner the tooth broke and now it will probably need a crown, which will cost me at least $300.00 because my dental insurance doesn't pay completely for crowns.

  4. Give it time, in three years you'll be able to do what ever you want without their permission anyway. If you still want them by then, go for it. Otherwise, the more you bug them about it the more they'll resist.

  5. Honestly just wait until you're 18, I did and when I got one side of my lip pierced it was so worth the wait! But 3 months later I took it out and now there is a huge hole where it was, and yeah I miss it but like you said you grow old and you change.

    Plus if you're only 15 and keep waiting you might change your mind and save LOTS of money on it, because there are tons of hidden costs besides going to a good piercing place and getting the rings for it and stuff, you need the poroxide, the mouth wash, cotton balls, etc etc.

    It'll be much more worth it if you still want it when you turn 18 though!

  6. well that is on the ear  a "normal" place but when you go and want the lips  then that is "not normal"  to them  they might relate it to a lifestyle that they are unfamiliar with . you know how some people still look at people with alot of tattoos?

  7. Wait 3 years and if you still want it then get it.

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